Monday, September 29, 2014


Sorry I have not been posting a lot lately, iron makes me horridly sick and Dog Dog my sweet girl is a bit sick and she's getting me first before anything else. Being that I am allergic to her asthma wise I usually sit outside with her after treatment or before. She's the best dog a girl could ask for and emotions and MCAD is not the best thing in the world. I get hives from it but thats OK. She's worth it.

Not really much to update on though I just wanted y'all to know things are going decently besides iron side effects. Which I get more this week which is just as bad and been preparing for that. Which means I have been trying to eat what I can. And prepare myself to be on oxygen and benadryl for a bit lol

Sorry this is so short, i need to get some more things done and hopefully give you a better update soon.

Love Y'all

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