Sunday, September 14, 2014

Poker Run

Well, I had to cancel my poker run, I haven't completely made this public yet. A few of you know, OK maybe 4 of you know lol. But I can't take everything on the way I think I can. I also do not want a repeat of last year. Infection after infection. I had 7 months strait of infections that eventually put me into respiratory distress and IVs. Last year at the walk put me on home IV steroids and that was because I made a deal with Superman. I still have the walk this year to. And Batman is right, it means I can make even better next year. I also have more time to set up my Etsy and raise funs for FARE. I do feel guilty about all this, but Sif was also right, if they want to do they can take it over.

I have such poor lung function I just can not afford to make all this worse, though I really do feel gulity about all this. But I also got to take care of me. The other thing I think about is I love my students and teaching my students about POTS, CF, and MCAD. I also am plotting what to cook for their pot luck. I am actually putting serious thought into the senior pot luck. Which so far all my days require way to much work, pasta has to be cooked to order, nacho sauce (vegan) cant just sit there. So I have other ideas which I will surprise them with whatever I do make :-D.

At the end of the day I just can't let my lungs go, I have only one set of lungs. They have to come first, I really do feel guilty about all this. But it will all be OK.

Love Yall

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