So Poison Ivey started a Facebook page for me so I figured I'd try to do a complete update for once. Between the new med, and a tattoo that Wonder Woman was kind enough to get for me to memorialize my pup Dog Dog. Which it destroyed me when she died and there was nothing I could do to help or prevent it. But it taught me a lot about how animals are treated so much better then humans when it comes to end of life care. I have seen animals and humans go thru the same thing... OK anyways before I start to cry.
My health has been a bit poor and I have spent the last few months trying to get off this oxygen again but its always near me or on my face. I have told Wonder Woman, me and her, wii fit... She's a nurse and good at keeping me in line. It will also help my lung function and force me to sit down when working with someone else. Its hard and difficult but I can make it work. I am determined to make it work. Inspite of how terrible this new med is. I am determined to keep my lungs strong. People need me and I have so much to live for that I will never let this disease win.
Im not sure if I posted recently I had a bit of a rough weekend and early week, I mean I am not bad enough to tell people I do not feel food but bad enough to be on steroids for a couple days and laying around on oxygen. I am on my antibiotics to but when am I not on those. I was sitting here short of breath, and couldn't function so I just went and started my meds or well was told to start my meds to get me past this little hump. Its been a bit over whelming lately. I am doing all I can to stay stable, to stay functional, but I find that even cooking this week takes everything out of me. But I did get to go see Poison Ivey and clan!! Which is always such a treat to be able to hang out with them. I even got to go see them this time!! Which is even more of a treat. I always enjoy going to see them and wish I could get out and see them more. I wanted to hang out longer but I was at the expense of my oxygen. Which is another reason I have to get off this again while sitting idle. I can handle it being up and moving around but to sit idle and need it again is a bit nerve racking. My ears and nose hurt not to mention my time out is limited. Which is SO not fair. But I do know that people aren't ever able to get out so I am not going to complain at all just explain my crazy life and what I go thru.
But I am going to get off here and start getting things ready for dinner so I am not draining all of my energy cooking one meal.
Love Y'all
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