Saturday, August 15, 2015

Sif came today!!

I haven't been feeling so great lately, and i've started a new med so it's been an interesting week. I am not able to come off my oxygen anymore but I have gotten use to that. My ears haven't but I have. I have been trying to read my lovely new book but I have to stop and keep doing things like answering my phone or this new med drains me so I haven't gotten far and it breaks my heart!! I want that ship!! and the lady the book is about is such a remarkable woman but anyways...

Lady Sif came by today!! She got me out and made such a lovely change to my week. It brightens my day when friends come around it really makes all the difference when it's been a stressful week. We got starbucks!! We also made a Target trip which is a great for my lungs to get a bit of exercise and it helps me not stay idle though I am sure that whiped me out but I am so grateful I can get out and do things still. Even just an hour out of the house is enough to change my mood. And some lovely lady let me sit down for a bit while Sif was trying on clothes. Such a nice change to meet a nice stranger. I also popped on FB for a bit which was a reminder on why I never get on there. Its just no good, there to much drama, to much negativity and its just so much more peaceful with out it. Just gonna stick to my games. Though its much easier to be off the computer I can't live with out my farm!! Well I can but I love farming and I have been playing it for so long.

I also went out yesterday so that could also be the cause for me to be so tired!! I just layed in my chair and just watched Star Wars. I asked for the Hon Solo Star Wars and Wonder Woman put it in :-D!! Even waited til after treatment so I could watch thru.

But back to the new Med?? I got this new med to help my boor bones as I take a lot of steroids, its an injection and it doesn't hurt bad at all I am just very unfamiliar with how to give myself shots the proper way and prevent it from going into my tissue instead of where its suppose to go. We think that I did that yesterday as I am so "whatever" about this stuff I just sorta stuck the needle in and injected it. Today I had a bit more help. I had Wonder Woman help me which we had a bit of a disagreement where the needle was going to go. Sounds terrible but it wasn't. So as most know I have two skulls on my thigh and it covers most of the side of it. (not known for small tatttoos) soooo I wanted to stab it in the eye. Demented I know but theres no shame here!! But as I had a welt yesterday she wanted to monitor it and a black eye was not the place though looking for red in a black and grey tattoo probably wasn't the most proper place to pic but I did none the less.

But I guess I best get off here, I am exhausted and I need to humidify my oxygen.

Love Yall

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