But here's the thing, I have learned how truly beautiful life is. I could see this disease as a death sentence or I can see what it can teach me. It taught me that...
Makeup can wait, that purring kitten asking to be loved is your FIRST priority. She needs you, your makeup doesn't. Pet her, pick her up, and love her.
Gaming can wait. That text "can we hang out" is way more important then sitting in front of a TV. That connection with the person next to you is more important then anything.
Put your phone down!! I pull what I call the "All Father" keep the phone in your car. You can't talk to a complete stranger at Starbucks if your to busy texting someone back. Now yes a lot of my communication is thru text, especially to those very close to me. But you never know who is standing next you that can need your attention.
Follow your heart. Do you have a passion?? Go find it, go do it. Life is short, you might as well spend it doing what you love. I love to sew, and cook. So I try to make sure I do it on the days I feel well enough to do it. I use to drum and no longer able to keep up with it.
Do. Not. Judge. You never know what is behind the persons look and their story. Though mine is written all over my skin with ink. No one knows this they just assume I am a horrid person. Except my artist the first time he met he made sure my work schedule was clear. I automatically loved him!!
If you have a once in a life time chance to do something... DO IT. That oppurtunity may never come around again. Why risk that??
Let people know how you feel. Good or Bad. And if its bad say it anyways you may never know who will truly understand. I have found this out for myself so many times. It always breaks my heart to tell people I am not doing so great, and they always fill with encouraging words. They always assure me that they loves me and they are here.
Never wait for someone else to do it. No matter what is it. Because if not you who else?? What if that "who else" is no one and nothing ever gets done?? Take the initiative to stand up for some, whether its on the net or in person. You never know you could affect someones day.
Always know life is beautiful, even in the hardest parts, even when your on your knees in tears, theres never a Rainbow with out rain. Keep holding on. You can always private message me, I will listen, I can't promise answers but I promise I will listen. You have to go thru the storm to see the rainbow.
Love Y'all
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