Friday, October 24, 2014


So I am still struggling to keep my blood sugar stable!! What in the world. I am just gonna stick to my normal diet and eat cookies and PB and chocolate chips twice a day. I am sure I eat peanut butter more then that lol. I never thought something like this would happen at all lol. I have even been lectured about this but I had NO idea this would happen.

Refined sugar is AWFUL if you have POTS. It can make you symptomatic, which means you are going to have a rapid heart rate, possibly pass out, mess your heart, and over all just make you strait miserable. Considering I have CF, and diabetes is a risk in the life of CF, I figured not a bad idea at all. Boy was I wrong!! lol. I have been downing sugar like I never have before. I am sure I am gonna eat more before I go to bed. I get shaky, nautous, weak, and very tired. I eat sugar and feel much better then an hour or so later... Sighs...

I am all about being healthy. I eat a balanced diet, I stay active, and I drink an absurd amount of coffee. I drink it black, so its healthy. Yes that is my story and I am sticking to it. Its delicious and keeps me stable somehow.

But on to happier news. I did make my weekly starbucks and target trip, to walk around. Get some exercise, pick up things for Wonder Woman. lol I have a crazy interesting life. I didn't stay as long as I normally do but I did still get out and walk around. If I can get my life back stable, I am gonna start working out again next week. Which is great for my lungs. So I am praying that I can get there successfully and safely. And somehow manage to keep the cat way from the tread climber as that is her place to hide. She loves it in the sunroom, she can stalk her prey.

I am still sleeping with my oxygen on though, it does help with the horrid stiff ness in my lungs. Apparently I was not getting enough oxygen in my lungs at night, so far this has helped keep me stable and I am staying off of it during the day unless I go out, which then i need it. There really hasn't been much going on.

Though I did experiment with a brown sugar butter cream icing, its grainy but soooo good, and I had it on chocolate PB pancakes. OMG, yes it was gluten free and vegan, and it was so heavenly!!

But I need to hop of here and do more treatments and eat more sugar.

Love Y'all

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