Tuesday, October 7, 2014


I am not sure where to start haha things have calmed down a bit since last week thought my heart is still going to a bit crazy, I am not sure if it was from the stress, missing a few doses of Mag, which can drop my Potassium, or both.

But I did get out of the house some. Which reminded me of quote, "I am truly blessed with cystic fibrosis because with out I would not meet the amazing people in my life." I am not sure who quoted this but I am sure I found it on pinterest if not google lol.

Anyways... I met this lovely family this weekend and if it wasn't for my CF I would have never met them. It is so nice to meet such lovely people in this crazy world, people who truly care about others. I love meeting people that gets whats going on in your life, its very rare to find someone like this, but when you meet them you realize what a blessing such a terrible illness can be. I won't elaborate more on this, I don't like posting about others with out there permission.

There are many others that I would not have in my life it wasn't for these crazy illnesses. Not only CF, but POTS to. Thru out these past couple of years, I have become friends with many wonderful people I would not have met if it wasn't for this illness. Half the people I talk to would not be here. My Pixie Momma, my sweet Angel K, Batman, my HU family. Sif has been here for a long time but she proved people stick around as did a few others. I can not imagine life with out these people.

I started talking to my Pixie Mom, when I found out I had POTS, I was not sure of the diagnosis but I had posted something on FB about all this and we have been close friends ever since. She has spent countless hours talking to me and becoming a huge part of family over the years. I am not sure I would have gotten thru all this with out here keeping an eye me, even thru the net!! I love when I can sit and chat with her and catch up on everything going on and she has never once let me think I can not make it thru all this. Same with Batman, constantly makes me laugh and assures me I can make it thru all this. Never lets me so much has think I cannot make it thru this and always finds a way to keep a smile on my face no matter how rough this life gets. Life can't get pretty crappy when it comes to these diseases. Its a crazy life, in and out of the hospital, multiple heart and lung issues. Reaction after reaction.

My sweet angel?? One night my phone was dead, no charger, admitted to the hospital. She chatted with late at night so I knew someone cared. She pushed me to get better to make it to Nurse Pinning!! Which I did lol, I got ready at the hospital but i made it!! She still checks up on me and encourages me to this day. She keeps reminding me I can come see her, the way Pixie mom does. And that alone always encourages me to keep pushing and to never give up. Yes my local friends do the same, but its nice to know that these people love me just the same.

My HU family?? They consistently help me and Wonder Woman with all the stuff that goes on in my life. They always come with smiles and hugs and pop in to see whenever they can. They are also the one's that allow me to teach students about this crazy thing I call life. My life.

This is why all this is considered a blessing. These diseases, this life, have truly blessed me and some days I have to stop and go this is why God gave me these diseases, and thank him.

Until next time,
Love Y'all

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