Thursday, October 16, 2014


I have been pretty sick for the past 24 hours. I got my b12 then a major storm came in. Yep it led to me texting Wonder Woman "i can hear myself breathe, on oxygen, and benadryl... Which lead to a phone call going whats wrong?? Hmmm i DK lol The weather?? B12?? My body hates me?? Yes feel bad for her I get fiesty when it gets to much at times. My oxygen is still on 3, but I am off benadryl and steroids. So thats a plus but I did up my PT to day, I turned it up and increased the amount of time I am doing it. I also upped my saline. So I do have it under control.

I am more then ready to get back off my oxygen but the weather has suddenly got yucky again. And I swear my PICC dressing is hanging on by a thread. I was to sick to get it done last night. When Wonder Woman is peaking in checking on you, you know its kinda bad. Which I always feel bad I can not protect her from this crazy life. Lets face it, she's a nurse, and an awesome nurse that is well respected by my physicians. So she not only gets it, she knows how serious this life can get. Or well is. I always try to protect people from this crazy life. I try to be honest and strait forward about my disease, but at the same time play down how serious it is. Which is harder to do with CF, then it is POTS. MCAD is pretty bad to.  "Whats MCAD??" Ohhh.... its just a disease that affects the mast cells in the body, they can burst prematurely and cause an anaphylactic reaction, it has way to many triggers and I take meds daily to help lessen the likely hood of a reaction. I usually get this dear in head lights look. Or if they are medical, or know what allergies are, they get this OMG look on their face. Its kinda serious.

Yes all this rambling has a point lol. At the end of the day I have to some kind control over all this, so I tend to right on here, sew when I can, and COOK!! Which is where I get some control and say over how I feel. Food is a big deal on staying healthy. I see the "DUH" looks thru the screen. But really I can't eat fast food, fried food, gluten based food, high protein food, and I am allergic to quite a few things. "So what do you eat?!?!" I am vegan!! I eat a very healthy protein based PLANT diet, with gluten free, dairy free, and egg free options. I make recipes, i alter recipes, and learned to make things that are safe and to keep me healthy and pain free. Now I do have to stop what I am doing to take meds, I have to keep an eye on IVs. But isn't that normal?? lol On days that I can, I get up and moving to keep the junk out of my lungs as much as I can. Its a crazy life.

I also take a lot of time to educate people on what my life is like, the best I can. I need all the awareness I can get, not just for me, but for people like me. If more people knew what we went thru, if more people understood are "limitations" and how we can push ourselves to do what we think we can't. Hoping people would be less judgmental. I always here I need to be more positive, I need to pray more, I need to stop dwelling. Alls I have to say to all that, "I got this!! This is my life and I make the best of it, oh and I am well into my 20s and have my own lungs!! THATS AMAZING!!" I also thank God for allowing me to be so blessed with all these crazy people in my life, and allowing me to still be able to have function!! OK but before this turns into a rant which I think this already is.... Ima hop off here lol

Love Y'all

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