Thursday, August 7, 2014

The Good with the Bad

My concerns of my lungs getting worse is probably not far off. I saw Superman today, and I told him if I do not use my mucomist, my lungs feel stiff, and thats with clearing my lungs. He kinda looked at me and asked he can do a Pulmonary Function test to see if I have progressive lung damage. The medical people know this is BAD or well could be. I have hope. Hope that even in worse case scenerio, that I will get what I need. I have faith that I will be brought thru this. Have faith that every last thing will be OK. Grandpa use to tell me its not the battle that counts, its the war. You can lose a battle here and there but never stop fighting until the war is over. You know what he is RIGHT. I will grab my fairy wand and it with every once attitude I have in me. I will never let this disease consume.

To move on to my POTS. Well I am stable and we are gonna persue Vanderbelt research. Which all research points to saline therapy. Which well, its running right now as we speak. But with POTS, I have disease that makes me allergic to life itself. I am not even joking. I am OK with this, I am use to being a Vegan. But they now want to make it an "offical" diagnosis. And you know what that means?? Bonemarrow testing. My heart just sank when I saw this. BUT if they can give me proper treatment, outside of benadryl/pepcid, I am so lets go for it. I have come this far might as well jump feet first into this and face it head on. I GOT THIS.

Of course I heart this and sent out a few text messages. And I got some support that I know is always there. And Wonder Woman will never let me do this alone. Though at times I feel guilty I have put her thru so much, though she makes the choice to stand by me. Others looked up exactly what is going on. But lets face it, what super hero hasn't gone thru hell to come out who they are?? I am not saying I am super hero, I am rock the pixie wings. But sometimes we need fiesty, and stubborn attitudes to know we can get thru this. With lots of prayers. It has worked before. I will never forget the RT that spent the entire night in and out of my room. finding every device he could to open my airways and get me out of respiratory distress. Or the nurse that held my hand thru Vtach, waiting for the needed help, the RT that held my hand and cried with me thru an MRT while I was alert and not breathing. All who I have never seen again but played an active part in saving my life and who are God's angels. Yes the tattooed girl is a Christian. Yes God does send angels in human for to help us along the way.

BUT I am pretty sure there are potatoes in my kitchen wanted to be cooked. I am also sure that they need "cheese" sauce to. So I am gonna go do what I do best.
Love Yall

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