Sunday, August 10, 2014

I have woke up the past couple of mornings, with my lungs bothering me, but not enough to be concerning, and my peakflows are decent. Its annoying more then anything. I know some nights I need it to sleep because they get the best of me but I am ok.

I wanted to take a minute to talk about a few people. Recent appointments had left me crushed but within a few texts, and a visit with someone, it made think of a few things.

~ I am not alone. Somedays I feel like I have no one to lean but that is far from the truth. I a group of warrior that has stood by no matter what. Bad news, good news, tears, happiness, they don't care they are THERE. For me. By my side. When I need a shoulder they are there.
~ When everything seems dark. It is not. There could be a light at the end of the tunnel. If worse case scenerio is true, and I am giving the greatest blessing, I can do so much I can no longer do.
~Life continues to go on. I can face it like I always do and fight with every thing in me and win. There is no reason to let go. Re-think things. This is the time to be on my knees in prayers and let God work miracles like he always does.

I am strong enough to beat this. And I am going to beat this. I also have Wonder Woman. That reminds me that I have this. She has learned things I never even knew I taught her. She knows the proper way to pick vegetables, she knows the proper way to put together one of my outfits (think cut up and tied together shirts and skull bandanas) she has picked my tattoo's WITH me, and she can pair makeup. What more could a girl ask for. She knows the importance of us having matching things, and supports all of my crazy decisions. She encourages me to realize my dreams can come true. Even when I tell her Ms T's and I's business plan.

I got this!! WE got this, me and my warriors as I call them. Most of yall are nurses, the others are friends I gathered along the way or never left my side. Yall have looked past every ounce of my disease and never held it against me. I do believe we can fight this together and win the war. I can not do this with out yall and I am so thankful for the uplifting support I have thru phone calls, video chats, texts, messangers, FB, you name it.

I must hop off here though, busy week ahead of me, but I'll keep yall updated.

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