Thursday, October 29, 2015

Everything is Teal

So since I have surgery coming up and hadn't touched my hair in a a few months and even though it looked really awesome growing out. My stylist and the other girls there loved it, I figured lets go ahead and touch up my hair just in case my lungs get worse and we can't do it in the following months. Me and Wonder Woman (I mean who else really) decided OK its Sunday we'll dye my hair when we get home. We had went out to lunch and since there was a Target, a Barnes and Noble, and a Best buy right there we decided to stop there to so I was a bit exhausted. OK so a lot exhausted, we spent a bit of time looking for some movie with Jeremy Renner in it while I was convincing her the right movie to buy was Flash Gordon which they also didn't have. 

So we got home and set out to dye my hair. I mix it with a Wen shampoo to deep condition while its dying because i use a lot of heat and tend to tease it a bit at times. Lately its been hats and bandanas as early mornings and me do not mix at all. I still comes out this deep vibrant teal and usually protect my little area very well get everything out of the way, make room for Wonder Woman to help as the area is small. I dye the front half, she dyes the back and by the time she had come into my room, I had drop dye on my pink pants, on my floor, and dyed my flutter teal. How I did that I have NO idea!! I hadn't even touched it but it now has teal finger prints all over it. We finally got my hair and my skin a gorgeous shade of teal. And everything in that area. 

We were trying to figure the best way to rinse my hair with out me hanging over the tub, which means my mucus drains and clogs my airways, which is good it drains bad it clogs, and I usually wash it in the sink. OK well this is a stainless steal sink and i figured lets not dye the entire kitchen teal, so we figured lets stand me in the shower and rinse it that. Within the minute we turned it on, I dyed her shoes teal which were black suede i think they are OK though, the white tile floor is now teal, my PICC cover was soaked thru, we soaked the floor, and some how her white shirt stayed white!! I was just blue. It was bad!! I have pics of this I had her laughing so hard. So I was like you know what lets just let me take a shower and clean it out of my hair and wash it again and we can figure all this out next time. Theres still a spot on my arm I can not NOT get off. And oddly enough its my Pixies hair. Wonder Woman calls her my alter ego because I was tell her I want to be free and my nickname is Tinker Bell. So her gorgeous black hair is teal. The floor is teal, the bath tub is teal and my flutter is still teal!! Not like I don't have 3 or 4 floating around here somewhere but still... 

So I had Wonder Woman check my dressing as wet dressing are BAD. We were good but I think I need a new shower cover. So I somehow scrub all this blue off me, and get all cleaned up after this epic fail. I find out I can rinse my hair in the sink... 

So now that my hair is all nice and teal as is everything else. Except for her white shirt, my hair is now ready to last the next couple of months. Now alls I need is some Harley Quinn jammies small enough to fit and we are good!!

Love Y'all

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