Sunday, November 1, 2015

So today is Day of the Living National Organ Donation Awareness Day. I am not sure if this is American or English but I guess it doesn't really matter. No matter where someone lives organ donation awareness is the first step at helping people get a second chance at life. Not many people know about this at all, or it tends to get over looked until something tragic happens and families are forced to make a heart wrenching decision. If more people know about this and sign up before hand, or even write it in their will it will keep a family member from making the decision and can save up to seven lives. The other thing is your more like to NEED and organ then you are to donate one. Which is kind of a scary thought!! I know this topic tends to get quite controversial as religions and such get involved and such but this is something very close to my heart.

I have been told this will one day be my fate, needing new lungs. I mean my lungs are gross!! But I am still functioning and last we checked had a decent lung function. Which we do keep an eye but we have so many ways at hand write now to keep my lungs clear and keep them healthy or as healthy as they get. I am to stubborn to let these lungs stop me. Right now they are a bit rough because someone thought it was brilliant to let me sleep for 4 days on dilauted and let me get away with not using my flutter for two days strait... Worse thing I could have done but Wonder Woman is right I probably would have fought them anyways and when I was awake I was so drugged out of my mind I had no idea what was going on... It was bad.

Another reason I post this on here, when you live with a disease especially a rare one you tend to get to know people around you who are much sicker then you and you watch their fight. You wish there was a way you can get everyone their second chance because they all have such a fight in them. They all want that second chance to live and love fully. But with the lack of knowledge out there not everyone on the list gets their second chance. Which is so heart breaking!! Every last one fights day in and day out, prays every day to just get the call that they can live again. I wish I could change all this and just make everything better because I really do hate talking about all this or even thinking about it.

For those of you who are sick or have bad organs you can still sign up to, you can donate more then just your major organs!! Or at least give the doctors the option there is so much more out there then what I am familiar with... There is an entire website dedicate to just this which I really hope Wonder Woman does not read this because I was told by Superman no more googling things!! Not that it stops me, most of the stuff I found was for a close friend of mine who need information on all this for someone who was trying to qualify. But find the sites and sign up!!

But I need to get off here the kitten is getting fiesty and trying to shut my MacBook while I am typing and I promise for a better update in a few days

Love Yall

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