Thursday, January 29, 2015

Life has been insane lately. I have been battling the lungs as I always do, and I have also been part time nurse. Which I was just put back into full time Chef postition today. lol I am a Chef but profession, though I just work out of my home I really have not had any time to truly cook recently. I have been sick or taking care of a post op patient. Then my lungs were pretty junkie this week more so then normal. I am sure I posted Rubes was monitoring my breathing the one night.

So today the person I have been helping looked at me and goes "i do not know how you do it." Well the reality is I had no choice but to deal. With that I had one of two options. Let it make me miserable or learn to accept it. So why be miserable?? It takes just as much time and energy as being happy. Now yes there are days I call Wonder Woman and even Batman and go I want it out, it hurts, it itches, I want it gone. Knowing me well enough they always remind me to take benadryl and go to bed lol. Tomorrow will come and enough benadryl will make it better.

But the reality is there is no choice in it, you learn to cope, you learn to get use to it. This is how I cope with my diseases, I put all my feelings and issues on here. I try not to sugar coat my life so people get the gist of what my life is really like at times. It's not a glamours life but it is my life. I do what I can with what I got. I also know God has given me what I can handle and in ways being chronically ill is a blessing. I have learned to appreciate the small stuff as have some people around me. They know how awesome it is for me when I paint my nails, paint my face, get out of the house, and travel. I can't travel as often as I like but I have with a nurse or well Wonder Woman though she counts as a nurse (sorry).

Not just my life but everyone's life can get tough. We just really have to take the time step back and ask God what are you trying to teach me. Cry it out, put on your red lipstick and favorite shoes (my happens to be boots) and just make the best of it. Hard as it can be its what we have to do. This can apply to my followers who are not Christian and are rolling you eyes at me if you have made it this far.

But I am gonna hop off here as I have a cat glaring from her perch

Love Yall

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