Friday, July 4, 2014


Well, from what I know, the hurricane was not that bad at all. I have been thru and slept thru much worse. But my lungs have been attacking me for over 24 hours. When my POTS flares, I tend to dehydrate more then when its stable. Which in turn means that my lungs just kinda crap out on me and do not want to work. I at least have my oxygen on 2 again, well i have been on and off of it all day really. My precious kitten slept next to me all night, as close as she can get with out laying on me. I would move and she would move. She really has to be my guardian angel. I thought she had disappeared to see Wonder Woman last night to, but not she was under my bed. I do not know how she sense's my breathing but she does.

From what I have heard there really is no damage in this area. I know the beach got hit pretty hard. I am so thankful that we are not down towards the beach, who knows what my lungs would have done with out power. Now yes I do have oxygen tanks, and I do have the All Father on back up if I ever need him. He has this RV that runs on a generator, which means I can have air and oxygen at the ready. Cool air is essential to keep someone with POTS stable, especially one that is saline dependent. I am not so sure an RV is where I want to be in a hurricane but I know those two would never put me in harms way.

Oh and I would also like to let everyone know, that so far I have been infection free since April. I finally have the proper diagnoses and tons of help or well devices for proper treatment! I am beyond thankful for all that pushed to get this diagnosis. I am also no longer on 24 hour oxygen and the exercise routine has been steadily improving. I am determined to keep my lungs strong :-)

Oh and MORE good news lol, Wonder Woman has given me permission to talk to Superman and Dr A about going on roller coasters, i have lived with this all my life and they never bothered me before. She is also letting me find, and suggestion way to get a really good water tight  PICC cover and taking me to the local water park!! Oh of course there are strict stipulations because getting pass a good ICU nurse is IMPOSSIBLE!! But I love that we made it this far, to the point i can actually do things I love again.

Until next time though
Love Yall

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