Friday, July 11, 2014

well hmmph

Well the weather this week has been all but pleasant. We had a tornado yesterday evening and we got a lot of rain, wind, flooding, and of course the change in barametric pressure. And if you have POTS you know this means you just collapse. I was sprawled out in my recliner going MOM I CAN'T BREATHE and her reply?? it's a storm you'll be OK. lol She loves me. So no exercising this week, just lots of time spent in my sewing room. Oh and I had some major hive issues which affected my breathing so that was a no to exercising to. My face is finally clearing up. I showed it to Wonder Woman and she was like benadryl!! So I have been on that for a couple days now. But thats OK i got stuff done in my sewing room. And some work done on Peppers Dragon. I am trying to make this the first night of no oxygen. But in happier news

I am setting up a poker run!! Ride for a Cure for Food Allergies. I am not sure if I have mentioned them on here before but if you know me, you know the list is ENDLESS. And I work with FARE so i figured WHY NOT. Wonder Woman, The All Father, and very sweet friend of mine (leaving her name out because I do not know if she wants her named mentioned) are helping me out. I am hoping to get a big attendance and have a BBQ afterwards. Games, bikes, music, food, and prizes?? what more can you ask for?? Sweet talking Wonder Woman to let me ride?? yeah in my dream I know espically for october. What am I thinking right?? 

But I am going to keep this short tonight I need to go to the farm tomorrow and I hope to get back into my exercise routine.

Until then

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