Monday, July 21, 2014

Today the weather has been awful and kinda makes me sick. But I wanted to exercise anyways, I can't let myself go, I really have to fight for my health. So I made the comment to Wonder Woman about all this and she told me "well take your time to get it done" "it already takes me an hour to do 30 minutes of exercise" "if it takes you an hour and a half at least you have done something" OK so she is right. By the time I eve got 30 mins in, she had spent 45 mins on the treadmill and came to check on me. She saw I was doing some minor yoga, and i told her I could not handle cardio at the moment its killing me to do. "Well yoga is still good for you to." You know what?? She is right!! Whether I do yoga, cardio, walk, it does not matter at least I am being active.

We think so often we need to be like everyone else, we need form to a certain standard. But the reality is we don't. Wonder Woman is healthy she can do 45 minutes and be fine, me yeah no I can't do 45 minutes at all. I can do 70 seconds of hula hooping on oxygen and need to sit down for a couple minutes. Which is why it takes me so long to exercise. I just can't make my lungs work they way most do let alone my heart. But I got this haha.

But I guess I need to grab my oxygen for the night
Love yall

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