Saturday, July 25, 2015


I was just bugging Wonder Woman who was watching Divergent, which I can not stand the movie or the book. I hate it. I am sure I mentioned on here that I hate it before. Wonder Woman however loves it, and was sweet enough to buy me the books to try to get me into them. Which I read them all!! The premisis of the books is that people who are genetically different are "bad" (in the book and movie they are saught after to be killed) so we they have an equal society, and the main characters fight back for an "equal" society.  We got to discussing this and our feelings/opinions on it and she understood why I don't like them at all. Its my reality. Heres why...

 My genes are damaged and I am a young adult who relies on makeup and tattoos to look alive. To have a bit of color on my body when I can bearly get oxygen in my lungs or my heart rate is low enough. My lungs are so bad, I had to have Wonder Woman get some of my meds today and swap me over from my tank to my concentrator. Because I make myself look good before going out which takes FOREVER, I am harassed, stalked in stores, and people strait demand why I park where I park, why I am on oxygen and "how dare i take advantage of the system." I am constantly dehumanized because of what I was dealt. I am treated as if I don't have feelings and society would be better off with out me. I usually handle this with sarcasm and not violence. But the premiss of this book is "we need to hide you to protect you." I often feel that way, and have been told so many times to my face that I should just never leave the house so other people can make poor choices. We condemn people who are genetically different with out giving them a second thought.

I am not sure where I was or what I was doing but I was with Wonder Woman and we were out and I told her that I will fight for equal rights for the disabled, and I hope in my legacy someone will do the same. Someone will fight to get the word out we are human to, we have feelings, and behind the oxygen and makeup, I am a smart woman, with a passion and a drive. I love food and creating food, and want to make a safe place for everyone to eat with out worry. I am worthy of love, friends, compassion and respect just like everyone else is. And so is everyone with a genetic disease, or "genetically damaged."

But the kit cat is getting ansy and causing trouble because this is her time. Who is now walking all over me!! Love you rubes!!
Love Yall

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