I sent her a bunch of pics that I could find that were health realted, I think I sent her almost 10?? emails. I also said she had free reign of my FB so I had no idea what to expect when I first got the video. When I first watched I cried. Each pick represents something to me, and the ones she picked were amazing.
I remember the guy who was in my room all night doing everything he could to get me to breathe. I was in respirtoray distress and every breath was forced and a struggle, the mucus in my lungs was solid, and he truly spent the night with me and saved my life. I remember texting Dr Dean and her telling me he was an angel. He was there the entire admit, and he was the reason I was breathing OK, he got to know me, and was a big advocate that night to help me.
The pic of wheel chair, and the nurse who dried my tears, and Wonder Woman wheeling me down to get GOOD coffee. The RT that shares my name that worked endlessly during the day to keep my airways open, I see the nurse in the ER that takes on an extra room because she knows me, I see the doctor drying my eyes because my airways are shot and I just wanted to be home for Christmas. I see friends that have never left my side and sacraficed so much to help me lead a quality of life. I see the nurse who was in charge of a full and busy ICU who took the time to french braid my hair, i see the doctor the took time to visit me everyday when he was not required to. There are so many memories that came flooding back who made a huge impact on my life, Who put their life aside to be there for me. Who spent countless hours keeping me alive. These are people that have selflessly been there for me. Please don't say well they are nurses thats what they do. Because no one has to stop their busy schedule to braid your hair or hold your hand. No one has to stop there time to come sit with me they chose to stop there crazy life for a moment of time to make sure I am ok. Drying my tear, brushing my hair, holding my hand. They are truly my heros. Real life heros do not wear capes, the wear scrubs and smiles. And often times they are people God sent to me to give me a better life.
Love Yall