Monday, June 22, 2015


Today was just awful. Plain awful. I actually slept last night after a week of a compition in a game I play. I came in second and got first prize (top 5 won).

Actually sleeping means I wasn't up and down all night, and Rubes the cat got in bed with me and I felt her press against me and I remember waking up enough to roll over and curl up around her. Well I was so tired from being up all hours of the night with the game and lots of benadryl I slept that way until almost 5 am or a bit later. This is unheard of for me to actully sleep that long and/or lay flat to sleep that long, usually wake up because I can't breathe.

So this morning I felt it. It took me over an hour to get out of bed. When I got up I finally I couldm't catch my breath. I thought nothing of it, warm days tend to get this way with me, dehyrate at night because I run out of water and won't go by the glass door at night because I watched a few horror movies lol and after a liter of fluid for my POTs whivh also helps loosen up or rehydrate my secretion to make them movable I am ok. So I just took my oxygen off went about my day as normal. Well nothing worked I wsa couighing and wheezing went and got Wonder Woman to beat my back for PT and just went to shower. Grabbed my oxygen and lost my breath. So we figured well its HOT so well just go get food and come home not stop by the mall. I havne;t got much better,

Wonder Woman offered me the recliner I call my chair and sleep in her room to tongiht. In her room since we hang out in there and watch TV or play video game I have a chair. And she offered to let me sleep in it tongiht I am so bad. AND I asked her to help cook me dinner tonight. Which I think she deserves a saint award for. I was sitting in the chair in the kitchen and I would try and scoot it around and not get caught because I get let go of control in the kitchen. Its my natural habitat. It was easy mashed taters. But uh "until its done" or "splash" is a changing varianle per person lol but she handles  it well lol tell me to shut up and stop moving lol

My lungs do worry me. Oh gosh days like today remind me of how serious and how bad my lungs really are and are going to get. Which can get very scary and very over whelming. We are at the max of what we can do at this point and I am on all my meds. So we just pray for a better tomorrow. And we take time to realized how blessed we are to have a nurse that sacrafices everything to give me a quality of life I would other wise not have. Why we call her Wonder Woman. Truly amazing and selfless person.

But I guess I need to get comfy
Love Yall

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