Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Stop dehumanizing the chronically ill

So it seems as though I have been MIA lately. Which I am half sorry for. Yes only half. I have been MIA cause Wonder Woman is off, and I have been hanging out with friends. Which has been awesome!!

But off to what this blog is about.

I am one of the people who loves social networking and pinterest. So I am always scrolling thru things and following people who are like myself. One thing that constantly comes up is "how to treat people who are chronically ill." What you should NOT say to them, ways you should NOT approach them, and how to treat them in general. Yes, there are guideline on to treat PEOPLE, with chronic illnesses.

Thanks to society we have been dehumanized. We are generally not approached as people, but a product that you can just walk up to. Since we can communicate though we are often demanded for answers. Scroll back and you can see how I am treated. Not by everyone. Not every person treats me like this, however most do. MOST, people will treat me as though I am just an object with out feelings, or emotions. They forget I am human. Yes, I understand people are naturally curious, I am naturally curious myself. But here's the thing: We are human!! And we should be treated as such.

I am sure you are reading well thats common sense. But for most its not. People often will come and offer us advice that is unsolcisted, tell us we are crazy, and it must not be that bad if we are out. That tell us how we should gain/lose weight, how they know someone whose recovered, and there best advice. They inform us if we are really that sick we should not be out. They walk up to us demanding answers and sometimes they inform us it is not our RIGHT to be out because what if we are contagious. What?! I am more likely to get sick from you!! No really this all has happened to me.

Which if you read this far let me clarify. Now if you walk up to me "hey can I ask you a question about: ..." "I am sorry to be nosey but can I ask..." wel yes yes you can. I am totally open to people talking to me. I am not saying everyone is, but I for one am. Now demanding "why are you on oxygen, you are to young to park here, or how dare you take advantage of using handicap at your age." That is NOT ok. It's not ok to tell people they will one day be fine. Its not ok to people they are over reacting. Its not OK to give me medical advice.

If you would not say to someone who is healthy you should not say to someone who is not. It's that simple. Again we are HUMAN like you are. I think thats the saddest part of all this. I have remind people that I am human, I have feelings, and you just can not insult or accuse me. We as a society need to stop dehumanizing people who are chronically ill or disabled. We need treat others with the respect we want and well deserve.

I use oxygen, but I also spend at least an hour doing my makeup to look healthy. And because of this people think I am not really sick because I appear healthy. No!! Just no. It's not that simple. Yes I take the time to look decent. But did you ever stop to think I spend so much time on my appearance because there no sense to look as bad as I feel?? That I just want to look beautiful just like a normal person my age would. Did you know that I am not my diagnosis and someone who wants to be fashionable and be who my heart desires??

The point?? We are human just like you, treat us that way!!

Love Yall

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