Saturday, June 27, 2015

Update: Longish

This past week has been really rough on me health wise. I am starting to realize how week my lungs have become. Wonder Woman has faith I can strengthen them but I am not so sure. It's been this way for almost 2 months and I normally don't have issues like this for months at a time. I have to have strong lungs by next June to.

But this week in general. Well I went to "work" with Wonder Woman and I could feel it but I didn't use my oxygen because I was in a cold office playing on my iPad and I wasn't visibly struggling and as I have been dependent on it in the day at times to I just wanted it off for my poor nose. Not sure if I put on here on but one day it was so bad, I had to have her help me make dinner. Yeah I am NOT the easiest person to deal with in a kitchen. I am a Chef with food allergies (thank MCAD) so I am pretty controlling which is crap when I really do need the help, she yelled at me only once though. We also had a terrible storm come thru one night to and I was so symptomatic that it woke me up and I was dizzy laying flat (terrible on my lungs I know but my heart wasn't tolerating this weather either) if I had so much as moved I would have passed out laying down. POTS for you. A sudden drop in barametric pressor will make my instantly symptomatic. Storms in general do, but when its a sudden hit I am done for.

Which brings me to today. Well, I had plans for lunch today, and since Wonder Woman promised me mall trip we went there to. Which is never good I am addicted to Michael Kors!! And she bought me "Alice in Wonderland" today with all of his other work!! OMG heaven!! BUT lets back track a little.

Well as I said this week has been rough, between POTS and my CF, well I am surpirsed I got out today. My mucus in my lungs was solid so I decided to order jalepenos on my bagel sandwhich to sorta break it up a bit. It works wonders on me for some reason. So then I was sitting in a full restaruant not able to cough and clear my lungs. I looked at Wonder Woman was like uh problem?? Which is the WORSE thing to say when you have food allergies and thought I did tell them it still can be and issue. She goes what?? Im like the jalepenos worked and I cant cough. The nurse comes out in her big time cause of me lol and she gets concerned. I do realize that not everyone is use to CF or is a nurse and gets grossed out so of course she starts laughing!! As soon as I left I had a horrid coughing fit but it helped. So we went to the mall and parked where we ALWAYS park.

So we go upstairs, and stop at MKs and I see a shirt i LOVE but didn't buy I had to drop way to much money on meds so I had to pass and I need to get dry shampoo because I can't always lean over the tub to wash my hair and can't stand in the shower cause I can't get my PICC wet thought I do use a shower covers. Anyways, Wonder Woman needed to go to Barnes and Nobles so we walked the length of the mall which is never usually a problem. I was feeling it a bit but nothing concerning and she always lets me sit and rest if I need to. And of course the section she was looking for was on the upper level. I assured her I could walk up a flight of stairs. I use to do it all the time. She gave me the option of leaving the store hitting the escalator and going in to that entrance. I said no I'd be OK and walk up stairs the way i normally do. BAD IDEA. Even slow even breaths with each step didn't work. I was so short of breath by the time I was up there I felt like I would collapse but I gained my composer in the music section. I somehow surprised and got a Wonderland book lol. Which I needed a new book anyways I am running out of Robin Cook books and finished the Hunger Games series (phenomenal series the 1st book starts a bit slow though) and the Divergent series (hated it).

I did get home in one piece tho!!
Since this is a bit long I am going to hop off here haha
Love Yall

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