Thursday, June 18, 2015

small update

I guess I should update this while I am waiting for my game to do what its doing while I sit here and listen to Wonder Woman tell me her tattoo is peeling while mines not... Blogs need emojis!!

Nothing big has been going on, I have been waiting on a call back for TPA. TPA is a de-clotting agent for lines, and well other things but this is specific for my line. I also have been battling the heat in doors. Still not brave enough to sit in front of the AC, being that the AC is very old. It's been there since Grandpa made the sunroom, and well thats a long time. So I sit in Wonder Womans room under a ceiling fan driving her mad. Or she's been making me think. "Remember when you found this medical museum... what was the name it??" uuuhhhh hmmmm.... I think it's a german medical museum. Really cool well for us anyways lol.

I still have not got in touch with my one doctor. Not the TPA, but one that wants to prescribe me and med that is a shot every day for 2 years. I was like uhhhh, I can't give myself a shot... He kinda looks at me and goes "after all you go thru" yes I can't even give myself epi. I can't even just no. I can't push something into my own skin, it's a mental block!! Oh gosh that is terrifying. But I am willing to try it I just need to get in touch with him. I guess I will try again tomorrow morning. As I have to brave the heat in the next day or so anyways.

So there's really much that has been going on, well nothing worth writing about as I've been staying inside because of all this heat!!

Well I'm gonna hop off of here
Love Yall

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