Mothers Day is coming!! I am sure y'all know by now Wonder Woman is my Mom! If not well now you do. She has truly earned her name!!
I just got an email about something she wanted. She was very specific about this to, she came down the hall, showed me the shirt, told me she wanted it, shared it for me, and again told me she wanted it. So I did what any good child would do and ordered the shirt for her. Looking for something more to get her but I haven't gotten that far in life yet. Well more so I have bills to pay. But we won't talk about the boring things in life.
Wonder Woman has truly earned her name of the years. There has never been a time where she hasn't supported me in my crazy antics. Being a Chef, volunteering, colleges, as long as it doesn't harm me or someone else then she has supported me in it. In the past couple years she has taking on a whole new role in this crazy life of mine. My nurse and advocate. I see them as one in the same, a great nurse will advocate for her patient. She has been my home health nurse for almost 3 years now. THREE years of dressing changes, hospitals visits, making sure I am on my oxygen, and even spiking an IV when I get rediciously sick. She has dropped everything to be by my side and has maintained her job as a chair as well stayed honor roll in her degree. She truly is someone to admire.
I remember one year I was in the hospital the week before nursing pinning. Graduation weekend!! The chair has a lot of responsibilities that week to her students. She also was there for me. She had her students in order, had me in order and we made to graduation on time. Every hair in place. She has never once complained.
Recently I accidentally told my insurance company a nurse could call me since I qualified, I more so wanted an exercise/gym thing for my health. I need to keep my lungs in working order the best I can. She made it very clear "no outsiders" now I know this sounds mean. But with all my diseases we ask nurses we know for help if we need it. We know who I can trust with my health and pieced together dressing.
She also manages to get me out of the house, take me on trips and just have what we consider a normal life. She never lets me be alone, she never lets me feel like their is no hope in all of this. She supports all my art, my food, and make up addiction to cope. By food I mean cooking and sending it with her to work. She has never once giving me a reason to call it quits but she has constantly supported me in always to extend my quality of life.
But I need to get off here I have food going lol
Love Y'all
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