Monday, April 20, 2015


Somedays I feel like nothing goes on but everything goes on at the same time. Lately I have been crazy busy and I swear alls I am doing is running around which I am ok with. It is physically draining and on top of that it is pollen season. Which is no good for me at all. I come home take my cocktail of lung meds so I can breathe. Superman told me a long time ago that Spring I would need steroids every time I go out. He was NOT wrong. I always forget to cover my face until it is to late. WHOOPS. lol and we are so use to cold weather you cover your face but we are not completely use to spring cover your face. Why?? I am not sure at all. But spring has been really rough on me this year.

But I am trying to not let it stop me, which is a bit hard at times especially when I come home and have to drug myself on prednisone and benadryl and i knock myself out. Then thanks MCAD I wake up the next day in a prickly rash. Of course allergies means more mucus production which means my lungs are overly junkie. Which is never good but it's something I can work with. But some how I manage.

Other wise there really isn't anything going on. I am trying to find a cardigan long enough to cover a PICC dressing so I don't have to wear a PICC cover. It's hard to wear dress clothes and make them look nice when you have a PICC cover on. I can make a nicer one but it will almost not be worn. But thats OK this a mission I can enlist Wonder Woman for. Some one told me to let her go to Wal Mart for me and pick a sweater for me and i am like oh no!! NO NO NO. Then I was like she bought me the dress as surprise and its PERFECT and she helps pic out my tattoos so why not trust her with an accessory. I said go for it lol. Find me one and I will wear it.

But I guess I should get off here for now I am suppose to get things done today.
Love Y'all

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