Sunday, April 12, 2015

small update

I am sure if you have been following what has been going on with my will. Well it is signed and paid for thanks to a wonderful Lawyer and her staff. They made this experience very easy and non emotional. By emotional I mean, I had to make a decision to get a will so that I can protect Wonder Woman from unnamed people. She says its to protect me from "him." But at the end of the day she will be the one that could possibly deal with him. It is in hand and all people involved know all the details of it.

This whole process can get depressing. I mean my health is going down hill and I had to think about who I want to have what, where do I want money to go to, who do I trust enough to make sure my last wishes are going to be followed. How do explain to the people you love dearly that this is what I want just in case but our goal is to keep me alive. Help me fight another day. But please don't let "xyz" happen. It is the most depressing thing but most relieving thing I have done. There is one more thing I have to do but it's not something I can post on here but know it is being done.

All this made me realize one thing.

My warriors are the strongest and most supportive group I could ever have. They assure me when I need it, they let my cry when I need it, and most of all they are just there. They take time to make sure I am OK, they make sure that someone is always there for me. They have no conditions behind this just the fact that they love me with all their heart. They deserve the entire world and more. I am going to do everything in my power to make them proud to stand by my side. I am going to leave them an awesome legacy to keep going just because they deserve it and I know we together can change the world. We as a group can make this a better place.

But I must get off here I need to dye my hair the All Father is expecting pics today.
Love Y'all

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