So I finally found enzymes i can take!! I have to say they are a huge blessing, i just need more for meals, there enough for snacks but my doctor didn't want to over whelm my system all at once. But I can't tell you how awesome they are!! Strange what works at times. I got to eat food I hadn't eaten in YEARS. Food that i am not allergic to that just made me sick. It also helps me not bloat when I eat at meals to. Which I am more then ecstatic for. I never thought this would be possible!! I can get healthy... I can do this.
But on to more important things.
I recently got some terrible news. Now about me. But I went to tell someone else and I just broke down which is horrid for my poor lungs, the person that gave me the news told me, I was not allowed to cry and that God told her she'd be OK and she would be. I just stopped and cried some more, but not for their pain but their hope and their faith. I am not even going to pretend this situation is OK. Nor am I going to go in-depth with all this, but what it made me realize, you attitude is everything.
So often we mope in self pity, we cry for what we lost, what we can't do, and we dwell on all this. We fail to see the hope of the future and we go into a situation thinking of all the things that can go wrong. We fail to see the what blessing we truly get from al this. I was raised in a religious house hold and we were taught and told to give it all to God. But its not so often I see people actually do this, and they are an incredible example on how to deal with such devastating news.
I can't say I hate me disease because with out I would not be who I am. I would know how truly beautiful and wonderful life is. I would not know what a gift today is and how to truly love everything that comes my way. I have been put in a position where I can talk to young people, and I can talk to people my age as well. I can show them what life truly means. God does not give us troubles and disease to let eat away at us but to guide us where we need to go.
Yes diseases are devastating, some times bad news can destroy your entire world, but we also need to stop and see what life is trying to teach us. We need to let people know we love them, we need to spend today doing what nee to be done and not putting off unto some one else. There is good in every situation we just need to find.
Love Y'all
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