Happy Thanksgiving!!
I have been doing nothing!! I am sitting here in my chair, watching Wonder Woman play her game, texting Sif and friends. I broke my oxygen, which was fixed, and washed my hair which was a feet in itself. Lung infections are the worse. They make me non functional. I just came right out to my chair after and sat down, breathing like a ran a marathon. Which is why I am here doing nothing. I have been assured I look better which is good because I am feeling a bit better. I have a couple doses of meds in me to knock out this infection. The other problem?? I have been drinking my calories. I can't being this sick which is crap because my weight will drop drastically. At least I am getting calories. Just not good calories.
However, today is a day of been thankful. It's the season of thankfulness and giving. Everyday should be like this, we should also be thankful, giving people. Its how God wants us to live our lives. I just got meowed so Rubes agrees. There is so much in life to be thankful for, its just about stopping and counting your blessings. So often we go "but I want a better life," "I wish my life was different," "They have nicer things then me." What really matters tho, is who is around us. Who loves unconditionally. The many things we have (they do not have to objects.) I am blessed in so many ways. I have a group of top notch nurses that stay on top of me. Though it's a curse to, they have kept me healthy and alive. They work together with Superman to keep at home and healthy. I have medications that keep me breathing, and my heart in rhythym. I have a silly vest that keeps me from having old fashioned, pound on my back PT, I have advanced medicine technology to increase my life while keeping me at home. I have the best friends I could ever ask for. They are constantly around me and encouraging me in their own ways to keep moving forward and never looking back. I have a sweet kitten thats really not so sweet but loves me anyways and on her terms. I have people that message me just to see smile. I am so blessed in so many ways.
Today I am at home, relaxing, and enjoy my surroundings. That is the most important thing to be thankful for. God has blessed me with such amazing and caring people.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Love Yall
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