Recently I was asked, "What do you want for Christmas??" With out even looking up from my computer I said "a cure." By this time they were standing behind my screen and looked at me and said "A what?!" I want a cure!! I looked at them with a dead serious face and repeated myself and added to it that I was serious. "That doesn't help me!!" By this time someone else was in on the convo and I told them the exact same thing and I was informed I needed to be more a realistic. Fine. I want a tattoo... Cringe worthy cause they do not support my addiction of art.
Yes, I am that person you make fun of me for wanting a cure, I'll push the fact that I want another tattoo, I need to express my life with this disease and I do it thru art. OK well that didn't go over well either lol...
By why is it so far fetched to want a cure?? People are working on drugs that alter the gene's in my body to help me be less symptomatic. They have research to find the cause of some to hopefully find medication to help prevent all this stuff. There are new inventions daily that help assist with the diseases to make life more livable.
I want a holiday where I do not have to explain food allergies, why I am getting sicker, why I am oxygen, why I have an IV, why you can't be sick when your around me. I want to decorate, I want to get out side and put up lights, I want to see Wonder Woman smile and not be so worried. I want my family to interact with me, I want to take all the pain and exhaustion away from my family. I can do all this with a cure, and for everyone that can relate to this. Why is it so unrealistic not to want this for me?? And Everyone else. All this brings me back to less December when Wonder Woman told me with tears in her eyes that if we have to we'll bring Christmas here. It brings me back to hearing Code Blue after Code Blue. Which means someone lost their fight near Christmas if not they are in critical condition. There are children in hospitals wishing for the same thing. There are people in nursing homes and hospitals that have no one. Its heart breaking to think of what goes on. This is why we need to stand together and fight for it.
So yes, I do want a cure for Christmas, not for just me but for everyone. I am not crazy for wanting this. It makes me human. It makes not a shell of armor to protect me from the world. It makes me real.
My Christmas wish is this: May God keep us safe, warm, and loved. May this year be the year we have a break thru medication that will help relieve of us of our suffering. May everyone that fights with us no they are loved. May God bless the one's who are by us daily and in our support group with his work. May He protect him and us of what may come.
Love Y'all
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