Sorry I haven't been on here. I have been sick again. I guess it goes with a good movie that has come out. I am not even joking either. I was just talking to Wonder Woman, "every time a good movie comes out I get sick." Oh thats right you were sick for Thor. "Yeah I was sick for that one to." Which was the most recent. "Captain America." Oh thats right... Oh. My. Word. I refuse to like anymore movies!! This is just crap. But as always I will be OK. Just a silly lung infection. I know it's not "silly" but when you deal with this as much as I do, you come to terms with it.
I feel the fluid in my lower lungs, which I know can be serious. I informed Wonder Woman about this and she assures me I'd be OK. But I can not tell you how much it burns. It's terrible. I can't eat, I am drinking my calories. Wonder Woman brought me some sweet tea, which did solidify the fact that I do not feel good at all. There's something about sweet tea when I am sick. It's also the only time I drink it as well. I am sure it's because it keeps me blood sugars level while being so sick and not eaten the way I should.
The holidays are coming up as well, I am so tired of being sick every holidays. I always feel so bad that I put my family thru all this, being sick and all. It's not just being sick. It's the fact that have watched me deteriorate, they watch me get weaker, they watch me fight for a life daily. I just want to give them a Christmas miracle and see me being healthy. But before this gets to sappy, since I am so out of it.
I have figured out what I am gonna do for the students luncheon. Or well half of it. I just don't know what to do with it. I am very unsure of what to fill it with. What would be an amazing combination of food. I have some thought but again I can't put it here, just in case that they read this lol.
I'm also working on a gift for one of my nurses. No not Wonder Woman lol though I need to figure something out for her to. But for one of my favorites. I have been working on patterns for them as well to give half of it away lol.
But I feel awful,
Love Y'all
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