Monday, April 17, 2017


I am sure everyone is wondering what exactly happened for me to get put in the hospital. Well what it comes down to is my lungs have had enough, they triggered off my heart, and the med i was using to "help" what was actually making everything worse. M SATs were 93 sitting on oxygen of 3 free flowing and I had very little lung sounds. Everyone gave up hearing for them.

I ended up having a lung infection for a couple months, and I saw another doctor in here so we found out i am IGG deficient so this is your immune system and what helps you battle infections. That mixed with a proper breading ground in my lungs my body just needed a little extra help. We needed IV steroids every 4 hours around the clock and some IV Axelox. On top of that we were pushing to get enough fluids in my body to counter whatever dehydration my symptoms were causing. Its a LOT of work. But I had an amazing team that works really really hard to keep me a live. And Frigga started a prayer ring for and I am forever grateful for her being in my life. I really do love her.

I have taking a huge step backwards in the battle against my lungs. Everything I worked so hard for is gone. It sounds just as frustrating as it feels, and maybe God doesn't want me to have my lung function, or he's teaching me persistence is key. I am not sure but I will find out. We also have this diagnosis to combat. What does this mean for me?? How do we fight it?? I am not sure yet I will find out soon. My immune system is temporally on the back burner because stabilizing my lungs and heart was priority. You have to be able to breathe, your heart has to be able to work so here we are.

I am still exhausted and my lungs hurt so bad from everything that has happened. I am resting and laying low in hope that I can get back to yoga and qi gong soon. Until then well we take it one day at a time and one treatment at a time. I had to step up my game in the treatment department but thats OK. Cleared lungs are good lungs. Alls I want to do is lay and sleep I am so tired from all of this but in between sleeping I am working so hard to get these lungs cleared and fight for my lung function back.

Life with a chronic illness is never ending, its constant work, and its worth it cause I am here and I am breathing.

I am gonna keep this short though as I have to make lunch, do treatment, and get to working on some things.

Love YAll

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