Thursday, April 13, 2017

Percs of hospitals

I have been fighting a lung set back since February, many many many rounds of different antibiotics, mixed with a med I was allergic to which was a rescue medication, and bacteria growing in my lungs, which triggered my POTS, and my heart to crazy. Everything I worked SO hard for, to get these lung going has been used and gone. Which sounds heart breaking but in all of this we have hope. I got to show Superman what my one med does to, apparently turning blood red is not OK. We had though this in past because my lung function drops dramatically but wasn't have much of an issue at home or so I though. Reactions don't usually phase me at all and I guess this is an issue to but if I'm breathing my OK I don't really bother with them outside of some Benadryl. Lessoned. Learned.

While I am at my third home, I am choosing to make this a positive expierance, I am choosing to find joy and happiness in a rather non glamours situation. No one wants to be admitted, but there are so perks to being in the hospital.

1. Nurses. Yes being raises by a nurse makes be biased, I am not sorry. However, if you take the time not only be nice to your nurses, you find amazing people that actually do care about getting you better and getting you home. I have met 3 people here that stood out, the one in the ER that took the time to understand my food allergies, and it turns out she has a kid like me so she "got it" on a level I needed, and apparently watched Wonderland as much as I do. As does the next nurse with the "pretty eye lashes" and sent Superman to find her with that description which is always cute how he can still find them. Turned out she's a step Mom and loves her family and is always looking for quick easy option. Which being a Chef with horrid lungs I do the same thing. The this last nurse I just had listened to my story and saw how I tied all my tattoos in to my story.

2. When I was fighting to get air in my lungs, to the point everyone gave up trying to hear the air and just get me meds, the first tattoo I saw was my Jabberwock. Which was no mistake or by chance, it reminded me I have the fight in me, I just need a little prayers and healing from God. Which all my friends started praying and its helped, big time. I am so so so thankful for my Warriors. Wonder Woman will tell you I have an army and she's right. I am human I even have my days where I have a little to much put on me and I question so much. Don't question just be.

3. I have someone to brings meds. Ok this sounds like I am being lazy, but I am known to get caught up in daily life, and forget a med or two, and go from there. Usually I have a cat meowing at me saying "mom meds." She doesn't leave me alone till I am up and following her and she knows which room has which meds I need, or she wakes me up to get some meds to. Here everything is schedule so I don't have those "oh crap" moments of wondering "did I take my meds??" "did I do subconsciously take them out of habit and forget??" Also I have a loud pump to tell me when my IV is finished. And its not "oh crap, bled my line dry."

4. Respiratory in general is great. Superman works his powers and always seems to figure out how to fix me. He's patient, listens to me and gets the updates from my personal life to see what crazy stuff I did now.  Not known for thinking much thru. I have one life to live I am going to make the best of it, and sometimes that makes me run on impulse. I always have but its harder to do now adays when you are always connected but I clearly manage. Its also nice to have those meds under control those are bit easier to remember as those meds infringe on Rubes time espically at night.

5. Humidified oxygen with out condensation build up. There is a difference between concertrator oxygen that turns room air into condensed oxygen, and liquid oxygen. My nose gets so dried out and oh gosh do I love humidified oxygen. Especially when I don't wake up to what sounds like a percolated coffee and know I have to go drain my tube and swap things over. Rubes isn't a fan of this either as it in fringes on mommy cuddles and purrs lol. She's a brat. Also the water can drop on her precious dry fur which starts a cleaning fest and evil glares for the rest of the day.

6. Will make me sound spoiled but Grandma cleans my room. As you see leading up to this I am usually sick for a bit before I get here and exhausted every option. So the coffee stains on the white desk and black makeup smears sit there for a bit before I get some clorihexadin and scrub or things aren't as OCDed as id like them to be so she really does come over and help out. We go at it at times because I don't know how to shut my mouth but at the end the day we do help each other out.

I am sure there will be more to come!!

Life does not always take you where you want it go, but it takes you where you need to be.
Love Yall

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