Sunday, January 22, 2017

Food Allergies

I almost never right about my Mast Cell Activation Disease or my Food Allergies because we usually do a good job at avoiding my triggers. But this is not always the case, sometimes accidents do happen and though most people do not want to take the responsibility of such a complicated diet, others always go above and beyond.

When I come in contact with something I am allergic to, it causes a severe reaction that effects my airways. Hives I can live with I am always covered in hives but breathing issues is not something we tend let go. My airways are already compromised because of my CF, when we mix the 2 disease together things can go from bad to worse in the matter of minutes.

Most people see food allergies as avoiding your allergens but its so much more then that. You have to be cautious of everything you eat. EVERYTHING, you eat. Everything your food touches, everything other people could have touched with out washing their hands. I wash my hand a LOT, and though its part of my OCD, sometimes I think it helps save my life.

If you follow my social media or know me personally you know all this is a major part of my life, my life revolves around food and whats safe, whats clean, whose touched what, and I get panicked when I watch people touch my stuff with out my permission. For good reason to. I tend to talk about it a lot in person and I constantly watching people with food and how they handle it. Who reads labels and who doesn't. Its a constant limbo of safety.

This subject can be quite taboo, people don't believe they are real, people forget about them, or people just plain don't care. Its up to me and mine to protect me. This is also the easiest part of my life. This is the part that is so easily controlled if people would take the time to listen and be educated on the what a true food allergy and what to do when someone you know comes across one. And since I am still feeling quite poorly I am going to hop off here.

Love Y'all

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