Can you believe it has been two years, that I have had an IV. This wednesday will be two years I have been on home health care with skilled nursing. Which Wonder Woman ever so kindly took over. Of course I am forever grateful for that. I do not like "strange" nurses doing my dressing. What I mean by that, if I do not know you that well I really do not want you to mess with it, due to allergies its not per policy as it should be, however it is Superman approved and he is an amazing doctor. It has been a long journey but it has been an amazing one.
I have been able to teach nursing student, and some nurses about my disease. I appear aptypical but can be in a life threatening position. The great one's have treated me and got me better, the others listen enough to get me stable. I have been to Texas, South Carolina, Northern Virgina, and many places around here. These are things I could not have done with out all these amazing people that surround me. They busted their butts to get me better. Fought for me, and with me. I could never begin to thank these people for there endless care and support. Some I mention by name, some have nicknames, and some are my hero's. Some do not have tradition super hero names, but they have there own nicknames and know how much they have blessed my life.
Life is a true blessing, when we take the time to put our phones down (me included) and talk to people we can get to know some pretty amazing me people. I never thought I would truly appreciate being out in the sun and see it as a blessing from God. But it is. I remember living in the hospital weeks at a time (and i still do) i realized how much I had taking for granted. Like the sun beating down, the smell outside after the rain, or wet dog wanting kisses. Find the beauty in life it really is there. Hug your parents, your friends, your animals. Text back and call back. I have seen others amazing stories and it also made me realize what I have taking for granted.
I send my friend a picture of my toes hot pink a couple weeks ago, her response was "yes its the little things." I am sure some would have just had been "oh thats cute" but she truly knew it meant I had enough circulation to paint my toes!!! How awesome was that?? Or the smile on Wonder Womans face when I walk the mall no problem?? With my oxygen of course. Seeing how proud she was!!
I was recently in for pnemonia, I was able to walk the hallways, she pushed my IV pole and oxygen and took me to the trauma helicopter to see me smile. Why?? Because she knew my love for trauma surgery, and helicopters. Even better?? THE RIVER!! THE BOATS. Where my heart belongs, and how content she was. That's what truly matters in life. Its truly the precious things in life. Smile, love and be happy.
Till next time
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