I was told once, "you can tell when people have lung/heart disease." But can you really?? End stage, probably. I am sure the edema from heart disease is a give away, but how are you sure it IS heart disease. What about people that are not quite end stage, but not well enough to function as a normal person??
A little known fact about me?? I have a rare form of lung disease. I am on oxygen as needed. I also have a form of heart disease that most people do not believe i have because "im not overweight" or "i don't eat things that are bad for me." I am one of those people who does everything right and my heart gets so much stress, I have been diagnosed with coronary artery disease! I also have 3 forms of lung disease. Now to must that have seen my pictures, would not know I have a disease. Not until they see the oxygen and the IV. But the fact is, my lungs are crap. I was almost in tears today because I wanted pretzels, but I wouldn't walk across the store to get them. Wonder Woman offered "but thats so far." We are talking maybe 4 aisles in the grocery store. That was me on oxygen. She stopped me and goes "weathers getting to ya huh??" Ah yes! the key factor in my life. FOOD!! I will stay in the kitchen all day, eat constantly, and go a distance for food. Off topic...
Most days I walk in the store, and no one knows my troubles... I left my oxygen in the car, and the effort it takes to walk that store is more then I can handle. I have been known to sit on the floor... But I appear healthy. I am labeled as "lazy" or "abusing the system" (i park handicap) but the thing is. I am not healthy at all. I live with devistating lung disease, i live with a disease that has taking over my life, well as much as i let it. I am often riduculed with out my oxygen because they do not know whats going on with my heart, or my lungs.
I make it a point to look nice when i go out, I do my hair, my make-up, lipstick, the works. I put on nice clothes, why?? because I want to look better then I feel. And judgment from a person that doesnt know me?? my struggles?? seen me in a hospital bed fighting for life?? Take a time to ask what is wrong!!
Though I did have someone stop me once, "i see people like you all the time, i pray for you and wish you better, and that you will get better." Those people in my eyes are angels. I truly apreciate the people that see me as the sassy girl that loves KISS. They are my heroes.
But I must go get a dressing change because as always its all but destroyed!!
Love Yall
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