Monday, June 9, 2014

about me??

Some days I just wish I had a second mucolytic (mucus thinner). I have ONE, that we know works and is safe, and 3 devices to help break it up. There's also good old fashion chest PT, where some one (Wonder Woman) cups there hands and pounds on there or well my back. Then there is also the option of oxygen, and that's where we are today. Is oxygen! lol It's ok its as needed and there is NO arguing with a good nurse. "I can see you breathing" O.o sighs... thats OK. Off to better stuff??

I don't think I ever really told you about me, this blog is going to become more about my life with my disease of course. But I don't want people to think I am my disease. Which I keep seeing all over FB "my disease does this to me, and my disease does that to me," "it has taking over my life." Now I do admit my life is IV's, breathing treatments, oxygen at times, and tons of pills. And thats OK. But here's a little about me:

I am Poppet, I got my name from a very good friend of mine, she also calls me Tinker Bell. I am the crazy little blonde girl with teal and pink hair. I have been dying my hair since HS, and I still love it. Tattoos are my pride and joy, I have 4 and would love to get more! I have a skull on the back of my hand, and the decorate everything in my room. I mean EVERYTHING. They are on my  desk, white board, up with my duck collection... I also love ducks!!! I took my KISS ducks to meet the giant duck recently at our local museum. It was the coolest thing ever, which is another love of mine.

My life also revolves around music... All kinds, metal, rock, classics, punk... it keeps me going. I use to be a metal drummer and the daughter of a metal drummer (local band.) I am the daughter of a nurse, who raised me around music. We have been to so many KISS and Motley Crue concerts together and I promise she is what keeps me going some days. There is no getting around her some days thought because she knows!!

Then there's animals. I love them! I have a cat and dog, and then I have 2 kittie siblings. They are my entire world. There is nothing sweeter then your dog running up the fence and giving you kisses, or purring kitten laying next to you. They really are the calm in this crazy life. My brat is fiesty and mean at times but shes the sweetest little thing ever!

But I guess i must hop here for now. I need to bake some cinnamon buns!! YUM!
Love Yall

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