Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I must say, Texas is an experience! I walk to the front desk daily (which isn't far) to get coffee. They don't have a coffee pot here cause it broke haha but its so worth it the walk because its starbucks and its free lol. So anyways. The walk there I get short of breath but sit down when I get in there. Which is fine I can handle that. That's when its oh only in the 80's then the temp gets to the 100s. I swear the AC runs continusouly. I keep doing what they call a bolus of saline. I am currently running 1 liter bags because home health messed everything up. And I went to let Molly out. I was standing in the front door of the house and had to up my saline for an hour to "wide open" which means it goes in a fast a gravity allows then an hour later i turn it back down. I was only in the door for a couple minutes. It's SO hot. Have you ever been baking something, and had to open the door to check on it and you get an overwhelming amount of heat in your face? Yeah that's the best way to describe it! SO hot. But its so fry my asthma is HAPPY. 

I have no idea what I did to my poor lungs because they are filled with mucus. Sorry gross I know. And I have spoken with Superman today, and so has Wonder Woman. But this is so normal for me, that unless its a companied by a fever he will say oh well its OK we really can't do anything about as long as it is moving. But I actually feel OK. In GA, I would walk outside and the air would be so thick I could not take a breath in, in Tx it's so hot my bodies like hahah now we're going to dehydrate you! lol. No its really not funny but there is no happy medium. But please no I am stable, above my base line even. I have succesfully stayed stable every day. I am allowed up to 5 liters of fluid in day, and been stable at 2. I also have been breaking the liter bags up. I do feel odd not connecting 24 hours a day but its a nice feeling at the same time. Knowing I get the same amount of fluid but spread out thru out the day. I also have consumed so much water it's insane. I down bottle after bottle after bottle... you get it haha. 

Also traveling with a disease is not as easy as one would thing it is. I actually lost weight through out the trip, it does not show thankfully. I have way to many food allergies so I am limited to what I can eat on the road, which is what I bring from home. I have to travel with ALL medications. Control, rescue, refills. IV bags are not easy to compact either. And i have to change a lot of this on the road. It gets so complex. We made it work. 

I'll keep yall updated on how things work out.
Love Yall

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