lol yes thats right at 11pm :-) I sure did need some. I even got a nap today. I am still on VA time and up by like 7. I have been fighting with home health since the 10th (when we hit texas) and they are trying to tell my doctor I do not have insurance when I do. I just lost ONE insurance (i had 2). So Superman was kind enough to just talk to Wonder Woman and she's handle it all on her end. What a crazy life I lead.
I had 3 liters of fluid today, I was doing 2 and my POTS seems OK. It also likes the caffiene in the coffee for some reason it eases the chest pain in me. I get chest pain from have a constant heart rate of 120 or higher. And speaking a lot here, tend to raise my heart rate. I talk to my best friend and Molly the doggie. Oh and we cant forget the endless phone calls to Wonder Woman either. My POTS once again is stable just in time for my lungs to be like. I do not like this air let me fill with mucus :-/ the good thing is i can hang over the side of the couch after a breathing treatment and get puppie kisses while my lungs drain which seems to help out a LOT. I also have access to my steroids (prescribed for this reason) which also tends to help with POTS because of water retention. Though we all know Superman is not human in the comic strip, I am still leaning towards he is not human in real life either. lol He is never wrong. "Your going to have to up your meds in Texas" I am all haha yeah right, its going to be an AC apartment. Yeah well standing in a door way for 5 mins, to let the pup out had me dehydrated i had open my fluids at higher rate to catch up. But over all I still look good! I am maintaining my 87 lbs which means i have not lost any water weight to the point of sever dehydration, or heart rhythyms that get me put in the hospital.
I have only ran into ONE other issue. A 2 hour time difference. I keep telling Wonder Woman "i'll call you right back" and its oh 9 there. I almost texted here now going oh i need you to get my atrovent before you leave. Yeah it would be 1am there and well that would start that panic in her, when its no need to panic at all. It's just crazy lol.
What else am I forgetting... If you follow me you know I have trouble with brusing. They thought it was blood disorder but its vascular and I am not willing to go through more testing its POTS, but I am covered in bruises I have them everywhere my chest, my legs, my arms, and my knees! I look like I have been beat up! I have lines across my legs wear my iPad sits. I think it might be made worse due to heparin solution i am puting in my line who knows though haha
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