Friday, September 13, 2019

Small update

I haven't updated this in awhile, more so because nothing really has been going on. I have been trying to knock out a bunch of cross stitch so I can just enjoy the week with Wonder Woman. I have one the last thing to order for halloween but I think all is set for that day. Yellow blush from NYX in matte and shimmer it'll complete the look. I got the hardest cross stitch done tho, it was one stitch here and there for hours on end. I can't post them yet as the All Father might read this and he does have access to social media but I am so proud of how that came out. Id love to make a living off doing cross stitch cause I do enjoy it. The All Father loves hand made gifts too.

Other then that I have been gaming with my friend a bit, I got a text early this week that the game we had been talking about was super on sale and that it was in my steam inbox. Oh my gosh. This game is HARD Three hours and three classes later I got thru the boss, but we have been co-oping the game to help me because its a tough game to get thru. Like one hit bosses and the only strategy that exist is dodging. Thats it.

As for my health, its been OKish. I had a small lung infection recently after a week of rain and then we got hit by a hurricane. It sorta skirted around us but it still had an effect on my lungs. I could barely breathe and eat at the same time but we all expected that to happen. My lung typically do not handle weather like that at all. This week its a full moon which has an effect on my POTS so its good I've been gaming this week, I did yoga yesterday and struggled thru it. But other wise I've been doing ok.Yes its ok is you struggle thru things you typically don't. Its ok if some days its hard to get thru simple task what matters is that you do it. It doesn't matter how long it takes it, the end result is what matters. The feeling of accomplishment is wonderful. I would love a good work out but even the smalls ones matter.

But I must get off here and finish breathing treatment and chest pt. Gotta keep theses lungs clear and the mucus thin.

Love Yall

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