Friday, March 3, 2017


Me and Poison Ivy have been working on a few things lately and I was going thru all my photos in the last year or so specifically hospital photos or photos that are just a representation of my life with CF. I saw pain, I saw some tears here and there, but most importantly I saw hope. I saw people who have rallied around me to support me in my journey to dry my tears or bring a smile to my day. They represent my journey, each and every hug, word of encouragement and taking me out to enjoy life inspire of the nonsense I go thru.

I know my life effects people, I see the tears that are shed, the sadness in peoples eyes, and even people I never met but I am close with expressing their sorrow. Yes there is sadness in my life, I saw picks from when I was celebrating the life of a dear friend who lost her battle to lung disease, but she was such an inspiring person and she was my second mom, so of course I saw sadness there. It really is OK to be sad, but we can't let that sadness overwhelm us or conquer us.

A part of dealing with a chronic illness or a terminal illness is a grieving process. You are 100% allowed to be upset. Though there comes a point where we have to accept our lives for what they are, what can we do with what we have?? Our you gonna let your disease stop you?? Are you going to over come and fight?? Do you have a support group?? There are many questions that can go into this but my over all answer is simple, life does go on and we have to find ways to ok. We all have ways to cope and I encourage healthy ones. Life is not about what happens to you but how you react to it.

I have cried, and I have fought but I can not ever give up. I have to find hope in tomorrow. I do find hope in tomorrow. My life isn't always ideal but it is my life and I will make the best of it. I choose to collect coloring book, tattoos and makeup. I choose to cook, and I choose to find the joy in life. Its not always easy. Some times I have to sit down and explain to myself "girl you are stronger then this get it together."

What I am trying to say is wake up every day and be thankful for the small things. Today I woke up and I had a cut curled under my arm, I got up and Wonder Woman was there with coffee for me and treats for Kitten. Joy. I did treatment and took my new med that I hate but thankful I have it. Joy. Poison Ivy and her love decided to start a new campaign for me. Joy. I woke up to a text of Harley greeting the lady at doggy day care. Joy.

There is hope and there is love in this world and I encourage you to look for it, even if its a heart breaking situation, no there is joy. No there is always hope in tomorrow and if you need someone to understand and just "get it" I am always here and on tumblr under the same name.

Love Y'all

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