Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Smile and Be Kind.

I have always known my disease doesn't just effect me, it affects everyone around me. Some it hits harder then others. Some I didn't even realize how affected they were by my health. A lot has come to light recently. A bit has been going on, but as I tell people how critical my health has gotten I can't help but feel bad because of the pain I am putting people thru. 

I have a lot of hope in this world and I work hard daily to keep my lung function up but I know longer have room for error. Its absolutely heart wrenching to see the sadness in peoples eyes as I tell them how truly sick I am, and how much I keep covered up by makeup and clothes. And no I am not giving you bad news, thats not what this blog is about. What this is about...

... You never know whose life you are touching. You never know who in this world you have affected whether it be in a negative way or a positive way. People remember how you treated them and how you make them feel. We come into contact with many many many people on a daily basis. We have choices on how we react with them and how we treat them. The All Father taught me a long time ago when you go into a public place, put your phone down and be in the moment you never know who will talk to you. You never know what a truly wonderful person you are going to meet. Over the years of frequenting the same spot, or speaking to people, they have not only made an impact on me but I on them. 

One of my favorite delivery guys from Home Health told me recently he always request my supplies because he loves coming to see me and coming to smell the house and what I have been cooking. I have even sent him home with food before. I always look forward to even speaking on the phone with me because he's this positive ball of energy. I always look for my favorite Barista's who have become my friends over the years because I know they will always make me smile.

The point of this?? You never know who you are affecting in your daily life. Its up to use whether its positive or negative. I have had a bit going on in my life and lungs can be a bit dragging but I can't see it as a reason to be sad or take it out on others. It has taught me to always take the time to leave people with a happiness and positivity because you never know what is going on behind that smile or proper outfit. We never know what battle someone is hiding behind a smile or whatever they use to portray a positive light. Life has a domino effect and what you put on someone else they will carry with them.

But I am going to get off of here, I am recovering from the busy busy weekend. 

Love Y'all

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