Wednesday, April 6, 2016


I'm exhausted and sick and waiting for a company to call me back so I can call my pharmacy by a certain but it does not seem to be happening. I am on steroids so I am trying to keep my emotions in check. Its no ones fault at all but its OK things will work out. I promised my wonderful nurse Pumpkin Muffins (no i have not been in) so i decided to bake. The act of making food is what makes me happy. Not eating it but making it. Yes I love food to but theres nothing better then cooking. I am tired, short of breath, oxygen turned up, and little sleep, but its a passion and an honor to cook for nurses. While I was baking I got a phone call back from someone and I made the comment its beautiful and the sun is shining it makes for a lovely day. Then you hear in the background "its cold!!" Ok I have a fever I am not cold at all, in fact the 66 degree temp is just cool enough I am not flushed and gasping for air. But made me think of a convo I had yesterday...

Someone who will remain nameless messaged and we were chatting and they said "id rather have an easy life then not taking things for granted. I read the texts put my phone down said something to Wonder Woman. She came into the sunroom to tell me something and I figured as always i was over reacting its what I do. She sided with me. I don't portray that my life is complicated and stressful in my regular life. Why I have this thing. I tell people I am OK or Good thats it. They also told me you can't simply choose happiness. Which I of course replied why can't you?? Does require being mentally strong?? Yep!! Does require the beauty in life being first?? Yep!! It's our choice to find the good in life. Yes it's harder for some then others but it starts with positive thinking. Or as Alice would say "I believe in as many as 6 impossible things before breakfast." Huge alice fan by the way. I could sit here and tell you every little thing that is wrong with me. Which I am sure I just did in a way in the first paragraph. Or I could tell you. My pharmacist is incredibly sweet for looking out for me. The people I have been talking to have be nice so far. Muffins are baked for people who appericaite food more then anyone. That is where it starts. Life is about how you choose to react to it. My life up until now has not been easy. I had to fight for a lot in my life and my past is not rainbows and sunshine. But i have learned if we find one good thing in every day we can easily find ways to brighten are day. Is it "cold" well yes probably but the sun is out, my cat is happy, I don't have to cope with poor weather, and i have not yet been bit Kittie Cute.

Life is one of the hardest things to cope with it. I get it!! I am chronically ill and every day is a battle in its self. But every day I sit down in my sunroom rain or shine. I watch this little grey ball of fur cry her way into the sunroom because her majesty just can't be bothered to open the door. She'll either sit right next to me during treatment or lay in the sun. After all is said and done she'll stretch out meow at me and get petted with a look up contentment on her face. She snuggles under my neck when I don't feel good and the nights I can't sleep I get to see Wonder Woman before work in the morning. It really is not taking things for granted.

I have not been hanging with my friends lately. They don't seem to understand until i spell it out for them which  I have no issue doing. But I also explain to them you don't see this side of me because I choose to let the brightness shine. God made me this way, I have wonderful friends to love me for me. He's put who I need in my life and I am more then grateful for everyone of them and there are days where I will stop and just say "Thank you God." Find the good in every day. Search for it. Find it. Embrace it.

Love Y'all

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