Monday, April 18, 2016


I recently had someone message me and they saw the oxygen and asked if I had Pulmonary Hypertension and I explained that I didn't but knew a bit about it. They replied back they were hoping I had it to so someone could understand what they were going thru. I am not gonna put anymore out there then this because I really didn't ask to put them in my blog but this needed a bit of an explanation...

My biggest complaint health wise is no one truly "gets" what I go thru. Wonder Woman does to an extent but it's very medical based. It's very hard to find someone who "gets it" from a patients point of view and what they truly go thru. A lot of people think I over exaggerated what I go thru. Or that I will one day get better. There's a list go things people expect out of me that I really can not guarantee or they think I can do more then what I say I can do. I got a text from a friend recently that said "i don't understand how a shower is so stressful you cook." Its like first of all I have food allergies i HAVE to cook every meal. Whether its thrown into the oven or i take the time to cook something I don't cook I don't eat. That simple. Showers or bath take everything out of me. I am short of breath, I am dizzy, my heart races, and my chest gets tight. I have to stop and catch my breath. Getting ready is exhausting. I give myself 3 hours to get ready so I can take the time to not exhaust myself. Cooking is just as exhausting but I can sit down at time needless to say I am exhausted all the time. I am also in a lot of pain on any giving day and now I am dealing with stomach side effects of a new meds which the meds make me sleepy or i just don't even eat much.

In all honesty I down play what I go thru in real life. I often don't even mention how poor I feel because whats the point?? I cope with it very well and if I can't i say something and  get the help i need.

Back to the point. It was so nice to talk to someone who gets it. I don't have to explain things to and I can relate to. It's so rare I get to talk to someone who totally understand what I am going thru and can relate to me on a level most people can not. They understand what my reality is and empathizes with me and the reasons why you want to push somethings off. What the future looks like. I almost never get to talk to someone about this. Lady Sif gets what I go thru being chronically ill and all the meds and drama that goes with it. But I had lost the one person that got what it was like to live with lung disease. And when I got that news I broke down. I lost not only someone who I was close with but to lose someone who fights with you is just devastating. She was a huge part of my life since high school so that whole situation just broke my heart.

Most days I truly get "serisouly your chronically how much do you really do??" The truth is... A lot more than you do. You go to work, class and eat which probably you don't have to cook at times. Or if your to tired to cook you can eat something from the local burger joint. Me?? I am a personal Chef, and also do makeup on the side for those who ask. I cook 4-6 meals a day, I do hours worth of breathing treatments and chest PT, I go to appointments, take hands full of drugs a couple times a day, and still have to lead a normal life. Don't be so fast to judge. Most of us our not lazy we do much more then you ever thought of. And if you have a disease its OK to reach out to someone like you just to understand you. And for those who love someone who is sick all the time. Be patient they are fighting a battle bigger then you could ever imagine.

Love Y'all

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