Monday, December 14, 2015

Quick Update

I have come to the conclusion you want me to fangirl let one of my favorite super heroes appear in a TV show... Better yet a DC ones. Its not often I get comics anymore because well thats a lot of money. To make this even more strange my favorite comic book author is Todd McFarland oh what I would do to meet him and get him to sign my favorite comic book. But anyways

Christmas is slowly approaching and I need to make things, some of my gifts are made, and often I have no idea what to make so I search until I find something perfect. Which I have, now I need to dig out supplies which I am just to tired to be bothered with at the moment. I had a long weekend of allergic reactions and business. Yep thats 2 reactions this week so no more new food for me. We got these little cookie mixes with mini frying pans, well their cast iron skillets really and found one that was "safe" well it wasn't I'm like Wonder Woman my face itches and I can't breathe. Ssssoooo lots of benadryl, steroids, and breathing treatments later I am listen to a metal Christmas Station thanks to Lady Sif and getting thru yet another reaction... To go out the next day to go the pet store where they are having an adoption thing going on. I made friend with a beagle I wanted to take home but I am not aloud to have a new dog until I can fully care for one. But there were about 3-4 dogs, a bunch kitties, and yes I petted them all and started to wheeze and we still had a mission to do. Get Rubes her stuff she needs, and apparently a water bowl with skulls on it for Christmas. So I had an asthma attack. So needless to say I am exhausted and want to do nothing but sit here, with my raw throat thanks to my oxygen.

Then our new beds are scheduled to come and I need to rearrange my room, which if you know me this means Wonder Woman and Grams gets put to work and frequently get kicked out so I don't get sick. To make this situation worse for them, I have OCD and need things to be a certain and went into detail with Wonder Woman exactly how I wanted everything with room for Rubes to get on her perch that the All Father made for her, and the bed in a certain place and all the works. So now I owe poor Wonder Woman lunch at our favorite pizza place because she also just helped me get a TV. She's deserving I don't mind at all haha.

This has been a crazy busy month and we all still have so much to do, and week to get everything done, plus me doing what I need to do, plus Christmas. I am a bit over whelmed but art always keeps me in line and thinking clearly so I think I can handle this. I know Wonder Woman can. I remind her all the time she the nurse has me trained to handle whatever life throws at me and she can to. It's what we do. But I guess I need to get off her and start dinner so I can dig up some yarn.

Love Y'all

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