Friday, December 11, 2015

30 facts about me

I am always saying there is more to me then my health but I don't really ever post much about who I am just how my disease affects my life. So I figured why not post facts about me so you can see who I am not just my disease. So here we go:

  • I am a huge KISS fan but hate this line up of KISS.
  • I love art. Whether it is plating food, makeup, or working with arts and crafts I love it.
  • I am a Chef and have been cooking since I was 16. Mainly for the ICU Wonder Woman worked at but it sparked a fire and now a personal Chef and certified. 
  • I was more nervous to dye my hair Teal then I was getting any of my tattoos. 
  • Animals are my world. 
  • Both of my BFFs live out of state.
  • Coffee is my life. I alway have a cup!! And yes I am addicted to Starbucks.
  • Im a Christian and still dress off beat.
  • I love Etsy but mostly shop on there for Wonder Woman. They have some awesome nurse stuff on there!! 
  • I play video games until my hands go numb. 
  • Alice in Wonderland meets Sugar Skulls. Enough Said. 
  • I was a metal drummer at one point.
  • Adult Coloring Books!! I spend so much time coloring those things. 
  • Robin Cook is my favorite author. He writes medical mysteries.
  • Favorite book is Coma by Robin Cook. I read it in 2 days. 
  • Hunger Games Fandom!!
  • I have collected Rubber Ducks since I was in HS. There everywhere. 
  • I love Octopuses. They are evil genius escape artist. 
  • I want a custom fish tank. Preferably with an octopus but horridly allergic to crabs which is there favorite food. 
  • My heart belongs at sea.
  • Pirates!! Pirate anything. 
  • My tattoos tell a story about my life and how precious time is.
  • My favorite flowers are Day Lily or Cala Lily. There both gorgeous. 
  • Black Labs are my favorite breed. I have had 2, there a handful but worth it.
  • I love photography and take thousands of pics. Last time I backed up my phone I had about 2000 of them and Rubes is the main one I take pics of.
  • I love dragon fly's to the point they are tattooed on me. They remind me of my Grandpa.
  • I want to go to England.
  • I was a cheerleader for a year. Not my cup of tea but I had fun. 
  • Speaking of tea my favorite is Lemon Ginger. 
  • I drink my coffee black, I have since I was 18. If I got to starbucks I add Vanilla and Chia to my coffee. Other wise its strait black and oh so good!!

I guess with that I should jump off here and hide Wonder Woman's Christmas present...
Love Y'all

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