Monday, September 14, 2015

There hasn't been to much going on since the last time I updated. I think the rest the week except for Sunday I had stayed in. Being out 3 days in a row takes a bit out of me. I get exhausted so easily but yet it never really stops me from doing things. I always try to stay on top of things get things done... but to day is NOT one of those days. I had been a bit busy for the most part and my chest was a bit tight yesterday but I know the cause of it and was treated rather easily. I ended up going out with mom and out with my friend yesterday. I am sure they will have a proper introduction soon. As I had spent a bit of time with them yesterday evening sipping on coffee.

They had mention me publishing something on my health (i am pretty this what he said but my memory is terrible) which I have though of doing this before, or well I plan on doing this I should say. Most people truly do not understand what it's like to be live like this, and more importantly we who are sick, tend to forget that people around us go thru all this just as much as we do. So I am pushing Wonder Woman to get involved and write her part. She has been thru so so so much with me, just like most CF/POTS/MCAD mom's do. They are there for everything and if they aren't there they magically show up from wherever they are to make sure there sweet child is safe. She also gets the blunt rawness of my steroids. I am decent at holding back after i flip out to her. I am sure I do this to Batman and Lady Sif though. Just flip out over nothing and then calming tell my "target" what is going on and why I am so upset. If not they tend to get the blunt sarcasm that comes with to many steroids. I would love to publish my blog and some point and the stories behind the post, explain what was happening that day or leading up to what happened, Wonder Womans points of view and how she helped and what she saw. She always gets on me cause I don't always bluntly put out there what I go thru. Somedays I figure the less you know the easier it is for you. Which is probably why there is a stigma surrounding the chronically ill.

Which I think this past week has caught up with me, I woke up a bit chesty and sat up and couldn't breathe well at all. I get short of breath easily even on oxygen and have to catch my breath often. I called Wonder Woman at work and of course she tells me to do what I am already doing. Its like I don't call you to tell me to take meds I think I know to do that buy now. But I call just to give a heads up so you can't say later in the day "you didn't tell me." You read the text and replied you know lol. I have been known to try to deal and wait to last minute and don't do that much anymore. I tend to let people know now a days.

But I guess I should get off here
Love Y'all

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