Monday, August 21, 2017


A lot has been going on. I have been non stop busy and if I am not busy I am sleeping including during the day. I don't know where to begin or where I left off so ill start at the beginning and just assume I have not post anything.

My heart is currently stable. I have 57% heart function and the damage has not progressed and though I have dysrhymias I am not in heart failure and all of it is just because I have POTS or my lungs put some added stress to my poor heart which makes it work a lot harder then what it should. I know earlier today my heart rate was steadily risen and not much could be done about that and we are still treating it as naturally as possible and that is a doctors orders and nothing I asked for. Which I am so thankful he's willing to help me stay off a lot of harsh medications.

Then my cat had an allergic reaction. I do not know what to, or how it all started, she kept trying to swallow was drooling all over the place so we took her to the kitten ER and by this time I am hysterical, poor Rubes is drooling I saw the lump under her tongue and I tried to force Benadryl down her throat, ended pulling her nail out of my skin, and we had to rush her to the closest animal ER. We get there and they wanted to biopsy it for cancer, cue the hysterics once again, and both my parents trying to console me because they know she's my baby and I'm really worried about her. We got her home and we were patiently waiting for results and it came back a really bad allergic reaction and my cat needed steroids. Oh my gosh that lil ball of floof who looks so innocent when she sleep has the cutest steroid grump face!! So maybe 3 days after we started her on all of that, I couldn't catch my breath...

We tried everything at home, and every time we got something moved and I could get air out which felt like relief id take a breath in and get it all stuck again. The secretions with CF can be super thick and stress with MCAD not a good combo. So I ended up in the ER for a couple hours and we got everything stable and got me home. Maybe 2 days later I was calling Superman because I had an infection settling down into my chest and we didn't want it to settle and cause some problems. Then since we shut down Rubes' immune system with steroids she got a Kitten cold, and now she's on antibiotics to. Yes it is OK to laugh because this only something that can happen to me.

My life is never boring. There is always something going on and suprisingly Rubes was a very good kitty for her doctor and I had to explain to people her formal name is Robopuppie. I am the farthest from normal you could ever be. But its all good because I love my life and the people in it.

Love Yall

Friday, August 11, 2017

Love and Light

It has been a long week!! I am not even sure how I made it thru. I have been so stressed and so frazzled I had a drink, and I was allergic to my mixer. I am totally ok I think. I am usually very in control of my emotions, this week not so much. Which not even a week a go, I got to see the ever so beautiful Frigga and she was talking to me about how choose to react to things, and how can choose to stress over things. This was not long after we re-did the kitchen because my allergies were no longer under control.

Emotions can be quite triggering for my disease, and its one thing I have to keep under control. They can trigger my allergies, they can trigger my CF to go down hill, and a whole list of things to go wrong. I normally meditate to center my emotions. Its a time where I clear my head, relax, and to just focus on myself and nothing or no one else. The phone is on silent, everything is off and its me time. This controls my blood pressure very well, it keeps it stable and keeps my heart rate stable. Also when you mediate you focus on your breathing which has taught me how to consciously notice my breathing and try to even it out in the calmest way possible. My breathing can get very rapid when my lungs are doing so hot, or my heart rate is spiked and I have to stop and do controlled breathing. This helps me a LOT. I was such a ball of nerves this Monday that Wonder Woman had to stop me and tell me to go "center my zen" so I could calm down. We had a bit of an emergency that I just did not handle well at all.

Once I finally calmed down, and even out all my emotions, I remembered what Frigga told me, people and situations do not stress me out, I stress myself out. I am in control of how I react to situation, I am in control of how I let something or someone make me feel. I choose to let people make me upset. So I tried to bring myself away from everything going on this week and I chose to look at the positive and when things get over whelming to stop and remind myself I choose to react. When someone is mean to me, rude to me, or just plain belittling its up to me to choose how I react. Its up to me to walk away and not reply back to the situation. Its up to me to stop and be thankful for whats to come. Though this is for my daily life this can be for my health to. Its just a matter of when things go wrong, and its a matter of when I need to try for lungs. I have two ways to look at this, celebrate a second chance at life, or be upset that my life has come to this. I am often caught dancing with my cat pretending I can breathe find. Why?? because that makes me happy. Because for a moment I have made a choice to enjoy a moment.

What I am trying to say is, next time you are in a situation where you want to blow up, and just yell and scream. Smile, take a deep breath, walk away, and remind yourself you do not have to react to a situation, You do not have to react to negativity. Our actions are a choice in life, and though we do not always get to choose a situation that comes into our life, we can to choose how handle it. Do everything with love and light and see your blessing start to come.

Love Yall

Wednesday, August 2, 2017


Before I start this blog, please know that all I am taking about has been cleared thru my medical team and is safe for me.

Homeopathic comes a lot with my health, it has become popular over the years and usually the first thing here*" or "are you a Christian you probably aren't because..." They are always taking back by "yes I do use homeopathic and yes I am a Christian." I also control my diet, to add to the shock even more. Now I am not saying this is everyone and I always encourage anyone to ask me any question, I love to share my story and educate people on what my life is like.

I keep my medical group pretty close, and its a pretty small group which is totally ok. I have my natural health, my spiritual health, and my physical health all wrapped up and I am so thankful some of them over lap. Being chronically ill you need a support system, you need someone to vent to, you need someone to help, and it makes it easier when everyone is on the same page and listens to my needs. My health is still slowly declining and we are in the season where ti takes a pretty hard hit. But this is the first summer I have gone into it with my homeopathic team. I am so blessed I have met Frigga and I am so blessed she has helped guide me thru all this. The first thing she helped me with is, essential oils, she found a cystic fibrosis page for people with CF, families with CF, and the medical professionals. She found all these great oils and they have really helped me out, she also got me some malabeads so I can learn to mediate.  A year so later meditation is part of my health routine, it keeps my BP normal on stressful days, and I have learned to listen to my body. We also started negative ion salt lamps to help thing my secretions or keep them thinned over night. And when we all found out I have a poor immune system we started me on more oils. Which they work!! Now a days when I have a major asthma attack, oils are a part of my regimen. I do my nebs, I take my pills, I do my PT, and I put breathe on my chest and in my diffuser. Its now a part of my nightly routine to use these oils as well. That has become a recent thing.

I use mild forms of yoga as my PICC dressing can get pulled and the All Father taught me Qi Gong, and you can commonly find me in the kitchen deep breathing and doing one move and just being a traditional hippy. I mean who else does random center moves and dance around the kitchen while they cook?? Ok that probably is a me thing. I get some stairs from people that don't get it, and thats OK. I eat food that help clear my lungs and do not eat mucus producing foods. I eat a lot of cayenne to. There are so many things that we can do to help keep my breathing as easy as possible and we all have found ways to do it, I have also been open to the help and readily ask people for help now a days.

Homepathic and western meds can work, mediation can work, diet can work, if you know how, and if you keep your mind open. The mind is such a powerful thing. Also I use all this stuff with my medications, my saline is going, my oxygen is going, Ive done all my meds, and now I am sitting here with my salt lamp because my oils need refilled and I just need to get up and do it. I know some of this is controversial to some. I have been told how people look at me when I mention some of this, even when it comes to meditation. So please be open to all this, and if your team clears it its worth giving it a try.

Love Y'all