Monday, March 16, 2015

Raised by a nurse

Being raised by a nurse, life has been interesting. Its a wonderfully awful thing. It has its blessings but sometimes I hate it because I can NOT get away with anything. Not the point of this blog but this.

I read an article to her recently that stated nurses want patients to have quality not quantity of life. And she agreed. I kinda look at her and so thats why you let me do what you let me do. She was beyond confused at this point. I tell her, I have more makeup that I could ever use, I love my tattoo's that I can barely get out and show off, my hair is teal, and I save every penny to get them and stuff by my favorite designer. This is what makes ME happy. I love classy but edgy clothes, i love tattoos, and i love love LOVE makeup. It is how I cope with my disease. She finally knew what I meant by that statement.

She has never onced talk to me about living a really long life into old age. But to live each day doing what I love, doing what makes me happy. She lets me express myself in ways that make me comfortable in my skin and not what pleases the masses. She defends me in what I love as long as it hurts no one. Yes, she does everything in her power to keep me happy but she never once pushed to do something I was not happy with. She lets me danced my own band and pushes to follow my dream no matter what it is.

So you know what?? I am truly blessed beyond measures to be raised by a nurse that truly knows what it means to live, not just to survive. For that, I am forever grateful!!

Love you Wonder Woman!!


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