Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Dear CF

So often you hear all the sad and heart breaking things that come with you. You here how you taking children way to soon and parents raise kids knowing all to well the fate you have laid upon us. Your usually the sadness in peoples eyes, and the apologies you here soon after. But what they don't see is how much you have taught us. 

You have taught me and those around me to be present in a moment. Put the phone down and truly pay attention to those around you. Listen to them like truly listen to them. Hear what they have to say, technology can wait, social media does not need to updated, some texts can wait and phone calls can be returned. 

How to love unconditionally setting no standards of what people should live up to. You know sometimes "your best" is simply breathing at times and we all have bad days, every last one of us. We never know what someone else is going thru. So often we expect people to drop what they are doing and demand us to be fully there when our souls need rest and thats truly ok.

It has taught to truly accept who I am and who people around me are. There is so many things about you I can not change. The coughing, the pills, the meds, and it truly has taught me to look inside and accept my life for what it is. We can not change certain aspect of our lives. There are things about us that simply just the way we are and we need to embrace it. Be who you are meant to be and not what society wants you to be. 

You have taught me to be thankful for every single and for the people around who choose to love me. I have been so blessed to have so an amazing interesting life. You can be difficult, challenging and down right heart breaking but thank you for teaching me who I really am.


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