Saturday, May 12, 2018

Food Allergy Awareness Week

Two post back to back?? What is this?? Well I have no idea what my week is going to look like so I figured I'd just go ahead and post this.

On top of everything else I deal with, food allergies is just one of the minor things, because this is something I typically have control of. On top of that I am a Chef and I am fully in control of what I cook but this does not mean accidents do not happen, and an accident almost took my life. I have no idea what happened that day to cause such a severe reaction but I remember a few things of that night. Like Wonder Woman crying in a corner because she though that was the last night with me.

Whats horrid about all this is that moment could have been prevented. That reaction happened in my house. It happened with my pots and pan. And I have eaten the entire meal since. Something touched my cooking equipment. Cross Contamination is a very serious thing with in the community and its something thats over looked. It happened in my own home. This is when my OCD got bad. We redid my entire kitchen (im not mad at this I now have a Caphlon set). Im very selective of who touches my food, who works with my food, and who I eat out with. Why?? I actually had a barista look at my weight and give me a mocha because she though I truly wanted that mocha over what I had ordered. This was on a mothers day as well. Can y'all take a moment to realize what Wonder Woman goes thru?? Yes a prayer for her cause lord knows she needs it. I have the mind set of nothing can stop me this is my life and all the things that have tried to kill me??

Food Allergies are just a minor part of my life, but they can kill me quicker then my CF. I have spent count less hours advocating for myself and the food allergy community, on a medical level and a personal level. I taught nurse students the importance of all this and explain the day I almost died in detail to them so they truly understand how this affects people. I also had a Chef come to me in the ICU and just throw down his credentials and its like really?? Im a Chef to now what are we gonna do to fix this situation?? I dont ever remember anything happening about all this but my soul goal in life is to make hospitals a safe place for people with food allergies because I assure you it is not. If you read my last post already one of the many reasons I want new lungs.

Most allergic reaction are preventable, and a lot of the times people die because we are hesitant to react. Whether its denial or lack of knowledge. Both can be fixed ands its up to us to fix it. If you so much as suspect your reacting to something do not hesitate to treat it. Do not hesitate to go in. Advocate for your friends, be a voice when they are quiet and shy. Explain in detail what the allergies are, and if you ever second guess if your food is safe, do not eat it. Your life matters, you matter. Always take it seriously when someone says they have a food allergy, do not try to trigger it. You can take someones life.

Its been a week of celebrating our nurses, bringing awareness to CF, and food allergies. Go a hug a nurse and thank for the selfless act of love they give to us.

Love Yall

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