Friday, September 8, 2017


Today is Cystic Fibrosis Day or Worldwide CF day, how ever you want to word it. I found out later in the day and at that point had no idea what to do. But what popped into my mind was the necklace Wonder Woman wears every day, "Cystic Fibrosis may have her genes, but I have her heart, Mom of a warrior."

I have spent the entire day coughing, trying to get this thick mucus to clear, and even been doing some yoga poses and yet my lungs are still a bit fussy. I think every time I have messaged J in the last few weeks I have been doing treatment or getting ready to do treatment. My lungs are in the mist of a set back and theres not a thing I can do about it. I just finished my prescribed dose of steroids and I have been doing more breathing treatments then I care to. You know what though?? Thats OK. Why?? Because I got to do what I loved today. My makeup, cook, text my family, and love on the B. Whose on steroids herself!! you know how hard it is to give a cat a pill?? Did you know they are super angry and starving on them as well?? Oh and I am watching my favorite TV show.

In the middle of this set back I got to celebrate Wonder Woman on her day. Thats what matters. The fact that I am able to present with her, convince her to buy a cake, and a book (or 4). I stop to catch my breath, sort my oxygen, take my meds, and spend time with her. I am able to do what I love still, and I am still fighting with everything in me.

I will admit I get frustrated with my lungs sometimes, I leave my oxygen places I shouldn't, and sometimes space out and miss a dose here and there. Its seldom but it happens, but there is so much more that CF has taught then to be diligent with my meds and not lose 50 ft of tubing. It has taught me life is such a beautiful thing and to be present in every moment. No matter how terrible. Its to make the best of my reality and not to hold my self up to someone else standards. I know we all can be guilty of that. Its hard to break that habit but its so worth it. We all have our "extras" in life, and some hide it better then others. I hid mine for a long long time, I wouldn't allow people to know my "extras" in life because they held them against me. They were not for me and had to cut them out of my life. I can not tell you how many times people have told me to quit and give up because I have CF and looking at just my CF its kinda grim. But I am here to tell you there is so much more to me then just a disease,  and you are so much more then your "extras."

Wonder Woman sees me at my worse, and at my best. She's seen me fight to cling to life, she's seen me over come, and she's seen my conquer. She's seen me fight just to make dinner, she's seen me enjoy life in the kitchen. She's wheeled me down the hospital corridors for coffee, and she's wheeled my IV pole while I walked. She's seen everything in between, whipped my tears, rejoiced, and question my next move because its never gonna be normal. And thats my life, with CF. Its makeup, its being a Chef, its stealing her pens, getting tattooed, and just plain loving life. With a little bit extra.

Love Yall

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